ShopBack的客服團隊是公司的支柱。 從處理一般查詢到解決客戶糾紛,我們會即時,專業地解決每一個問題。 作為一名客服,您將發揮不可或缺的作用,確保優先考慮每個客戶的需求並收集其反饋意見。
- 積極回覆,有效解決客戶的問題
- 確保服務品質,致力提高客戶滿意度
- 參與跨國會議,蒐集客戶的反饋並提供改進計劃
- 推廣ShopBack產品,並持續提升客服品質及支援內部活動
- 1~3年客服相關工作經驗
- 良好的人際關係和溝通技巧
- 具備基礎英文能力
- 中文打字能力:每分鐘60字以上
- 有電商相關背景加分
- 有文字客服工作經驗加分
- 可配合週末輪班工作
[備註] 此為6個月Contractor約聘人員職位,表現良好有機會討論轉成正職。
ShopBack was born one night in 2014 when co-founders Henry and Joel were toying around (with entrepreneurial ideas) in Henry's car. Their brainstorming session sparked the concept of a more rewarding way to shop, starting with the idea of earning online Cashback.
From those late-night musings emerged the ShopBack Group, now the leading shopping, rewards, and payments platform in Asia-Pacific. With over 45 million shoppers across 12 markets (and counting!), ShopBack now facilitates more than half a million transactions daily for over 20,000 online and in-store partners.
Fresh off its debut in the European market, ShopBack is on the lookout for thrill-seekers to embark on this exhilarating journey to build The World's Most Rewarding Way to Shop. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime: a blend of startup spirit woven into a solid business foundation.
Warning: Not for the faint-hearted. Possible side effects may include spending more on shopping (but don't worry — you earn Cashback).