This Accounting Manager role will be in charge of regional Accounting team to ensure local financial statements and accounting operations are booked according to group accounting policy and local requirements.
【What you will be doing】
- Manage the accounting team including accounting treatment, A/R, A/P, GL , Cost Accounting, and Revenue Recognition
- Lead regional legal entity monthly closing process and prepare and timely monthly financial statements
- Coordinate the preparation of regulatory reporting including statutory audit report
- Ensure quality control over financial transactions and financial reporting, coordinate with group reporting team to identify and solve the local technical accounting issues for compliance
- Develop and document business processes and accounting policies to maintain and strengthen internal controls
- Has management experience (three or more members)
【What you will be doing】
1. 管理並覆核區域性應收帳款、收入認列、應付帳款及總帳作業。
2. 處理負責公司帳務、並進行月結及覆核相關報表。
3. 帶領團隊進行跨部門的ERP系統建置及流程優化專案。
4. 協助處理會計師查核、政府機構回函及各項相關申報作業。
5. 具備管理三人以上團隊經驗
【Who we are looking for】
- Proven working experience as a Financial Controller or Finance manager
- 7+ years of overall combined accounting and finance experience
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting or related major, CPA or CMA preferred
- Thorough knowledge of accounting principles and procedures
【Who we are looking for】
1. 7年以上相關工作經驗,具事務所經驗者佳。
2. 熟悉各項收入認列、會計準則(IFRS及US GAAP)。
3. 會計、財金、財管、工商管理或相關背景大學畢業,具專業證照者佳。
4. 具備ERP、RPA、流程改善作業經驗。
5. 熟悉EXCEL ( 樞紐等),可撰寫巨集、pyhton或熟悉AI工具應用者佳。
6. 具備優秀的溝通能力,能夠適應快速變化的組織環境並具有誠信正直人格。
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2014|入選美國矽谷 500 Startups 第十屆新創團隊
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2023|全球員工數突破 2,000 人
2023|全球商家數累計突破 60 萬