Product Designer

Lowongan diperbarui hampir 2 tahun yang lalu

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Job Description

Founded in 2015 in Hong Kong, with the mission to maximize human learning ability with personalized learning, Snapask connects students to quality tutors for instant 1-on-1 learning support and provides online courses that cover most subjects and grade levels. Snapask is now in 8 markets in Asia including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan and South Korea, supporting over 3 million students with over 350,000 qualified tutors from top universities.

Every day, we're improving our learning services for students and tutors who come to Snapask. We have an energetic product team of Product Managers, Developers & Designers. We are looking for motivated teammates who can learn quickly to accomplish things in small teams, with end-to-end ownership of projects and rapid iteration.

What you could be working on from Day 1

  • Plan UX flow, create lo-fi wireframes and hi-fi prototypes for both our web and app learning services.
  • Discuss and comment on ideas with the product manager, work alongside developers to bring your designs to life.
  • Meet students, tutors, and teachers who use our products, and run user interviews to improve the overall experience.
  • Collaborate with our business team to improve funnel activation within the product, such as designing a student referral rewards program.



We expect you to

  • Have 2+ yrs experience in UI/UX design.
  • Have experience designing and shipping digital products, web & apps.
  • Understand how the Agile development process functions.
  • Communicate and collaborate with product and business team stakeholders.
  • Fully concept, lead and execute projects to realize product goals.
  • Participate in and drive product design best practices.
  • Have meticulous attention to detail.

Nice to have

  • Be fluent in English, both written and spoken.
  • Be knowledgeable in web front-end development.
  • Have conducted/assisted user research

You can expect to

  • Hybrid work or even fully remote
  • Meet an international team
  • Have an impact on the product

We love to use

Adobe CC, Figma, Webflow, Slack, Google G suite, Asana

Include in your application

Portfolio that demonstrates your design process.

Diperlukan pengalaman selama 2 tahun
50,000 ~ 65,000 TWD / bulan
Pilihan Kerja Remote
Link Undangan Personal
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Tentang Kami

◆ 產品理念

Snapask 於 2015 年創立並推出,為一個人化手機學習應用程式,旨於透過數據分析及機器學習為學生帶來更有趣、更有效、更貼身的全新學習體驗,從而改革傳統教育,實現「因材施教,有教無類」的願景。

學生可於 Snapask 平台上透過「實時問答」獲得即時功課輔導或「模擬測驗」定期作針對性操練。團隊期望個人化服務能更有效解決每位學生的學習難題,同時建立更仔細的個人學習能力分佈檔案,協助同學充分掌握自己的專長,主導自己的學習方向,重拾學習的樂趣。時至今日,Snapask 廣受中學生歡迎, 即時教學服務亦推廣至台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、日本、韓國等市場。現時已有超過上百萬名學生曾經接受來自 35 萬名合格導師的即時支援。

◆ 團隊價值主張

You must be RESPONSIBLE, so we can count on you, and vice versa.

If you want flexibility at work, you need to balance responsibility with flexibility, which means you have to give your best on all your responsibilities. Being responsible means you understand your teammates are reliant upon you for your best judgement when making decisions.

You must be EFFECTIVE to accomplish your objectives and make positive contributions.

Be effective with quality. Be sure to design solutions that are scalable, transferrable, and solution-focused. Effectiveness doesn't just mean bringing results. Being cost-effective, time-effective, and energy-efficient makes a company competitive and perform at its best.

SELF-AWARENESS is key to continuously learning and improving yourself.

A humble person is self-aware and respectful. It is important to never assume you are right, but always listen and offer constructive feedback so you can learn and help others to improve. It is important to respect others in every conversation even when it is justifiable to make a strong point.


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