Join us for our internship program, where you'll work side-by-side with our team to have an impact on human rights & freedoms in Asia!
As the first batch of interns, you'll tackle challenging yet rewarding opportunities to grow Snowball, as a community, movement, and startup. Impact opportunities include social media management & growth, community building, community recruiting outreach, marketing, scheduling, startup tactics, press outreach, and more!
This is a volunteer internship program, though we do provide prizes to the most successful interns based on results. We're a self-funded community, so your motivation should be the opportunity to learn & give back to the cause.
We do offer recognition & a completion certificate for the internship, if you want to grow your experience & resume.
Available start dates anytime.
Our team works remotely but you're welcome to visit our co-working space as well.
We are a grassroots organization of startup entrepreneurs / founders, developers, activists, journalists, and others who care about human rights & freedoms in Asia. We bring together foreigners and Taiwanese alike to work together on finding real impactful actions to take collectively. Snowball 是一個由新創創業家、工程師、社會運動者、新聞工作者,及其他關注亞洲人權及自由議題的同好所組成的草根組織,我們召集關心這些議題的國際人士及台灣人,一起合作,目的為這些議題帶來正面的影響。
Snowball TW is a community improving human rights and freedoms in Asia — through thoughtful discussions, collective consumer action, and shining a light on corporate behavior.
Our Mission