SpaceAdvisor場地家_焦點會議科技有限公司 cover image
Logo of SpaceAdvisor場地家_焦點會議科技有限公司.
Logo of SpaceAdvisor場地家_焦點會議科技有限公司.


Logo of SpaceAdvisor場地家_焦點會議科技有限公司.
Logo of SpaceAdvisor場地家_焦點會議科技有限公司.

Company summary


SpaceAdvisor is a brand new e-commerce platform created by Spaceadvisor CO.,LTD, which is pioneering in Taiwan. SpaceAdvisor is a business operation platform for professional space renting in a real sense. Starting from Taiwan, we will try to generalize professional conference space and diversified space with unique features, enabling the world to see and choose Taiwan and connecting the global exhibition industry network in Taiwan with that of the world.
Inspired by the gap between varied meeting demands by all walks of life and the lack of convenient and effective approach of media cooperation, SpaceAdvisor creates the reserving platform which has collected all the meeting places, gathering the richest and most complete places for choice so that they can be searched and reserved in an effective and accurate way.
The space owner can quickly publish the information of their space on the platform. Apart from quickly and conveniently selecting the space, the users can manage to book a space in three steps, making the activity preparation more effectively. Through SpaceAdvisor, we expect to achieve a win-win situation between the space owner and users, bringing new changes for the exhibition industry in Taiwan!
Join SpaceAdvisor, and you can be a winner!

場地家,是由焦點會議科技打造的全新電商平台,也是台灣首創,且真正商業運作的專業空間出租平台。我們 從台灣出發,推展台灣專業的會議場地以及多元的特色空間。進一步讓世界看見台灣、選擇台灣,串聯起台灣 與全球的會展產業網絡。
我們有感於各行各業豐富的會議需求卻缺乏便捷高效的媒合方式,因此,焦點會議科技用心創造出一個集中所 有場地的預約平台。集結最豐富、齊全的場地選擇,讓場地大量而精準地被搜尋與預訂。
場地主可省時省力地在平台上刊登場地,快速的出租場地;使用者可快速便捷地挑選場地,只要三步驟就能完 成預約,讓活動籌備更有效率!我們期待,透過「SpaceAdvisor場地家」可達成場地主及使用者的雙贏局面,為台灣會展產業帶來嶄新的轉變!


Products or services


Media coverage

Employee benefits

1. 上櫃前的第一批夥伴,享有員工認購未上市股票,依到職年資比例無償配發股票。

2. 我們鎖定三種人材:

1. 年假:依照勞基法規定。但表現佳且具備即戰力,可協助迅速完成專案者,經主管評估後,可再享有額外的有薪假,鼓勵員工連休出國充電。
2. 女性同仁產假、安胎假、育嬰假、生理假、產檢假。
3. 男性同仁育嬰假、陪產假。
4. 家庭照顧假、事假、病假、喪假、婚假、有薪颱風假。
5. 提供結婚津貼、生育補助、喪葬津貼。
6. 提供年終獎金、三節獎金、績效獎金。
7. 勞健保、退職金提撥、團保。
8. 彈性上下班時間。
9. 定期舉辦尾牙、員工生日派對、特殊節慶之飲品,提供當月壽星生日禮金,增進員工情誼及凝聚力。
10. 提供免費的膠囊咖啡機、零食。
11. 外部進修訓練補助。
12. 績優員工獎勵旅遊。
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