Looking for: Passionate design storyteller
Job Description:
• Gather and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with marketers and engineers
• Illustrate design ideas using storyboards, process flows and sitemaps
• Design graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs and widgets
• Build page navigation buttons and search fields
• Develop UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate how sites function and look like
• Create original graphic designs (e.g. images, sketches and tables)
• Prepare and present rough drafts to internal teams and key stakeholders
• Identify and troubleshoot UX problems (e.g. responsiveness)
• Conduct layout adjustments based on user feedback
• Adhere to style standards on fonts, colors and images
Job Requirement:
• Proven work experience as a UI/UX Designer or similar role
• Portfolio of design projects
• Graphic design skills to support with banner designs
• Up-to-date knowledge of design software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
• Team spirit; strong communication skills to collaborate with various stakeholders
• Good time-management skills
## Nice to have
- Experience with tools like: Notion, Figma, Sketch, Webflow, Wix, Canva
- Familiar with Html, CSS
- Provide portfolio for reference will be a plus
SparkAmplify團隊的基本服務是一個以 Machine Learning 的技術進行大數據分析的全球市場行銷 SaaS (Software as a Service) 平台,提供分析資料的技術以利公司為新產品打造精準的海外網路社群行銷 (Influencer Marketing) 和媒體曝光。可以幫助新創團隊和海外專業人士、媒體記者以及對該行業有高度認知的受眾建立起溝通,以減少新創在行銷方面缺失的人員找尋和推播工作。
而來自於專業人員/媒體宣傳所帶來的正面效益和流量增長顯然成為當中的最佳方式,至於如何能精準的推送給這部分受眾,SparkAmplify 看到了這個問題,讓你不再仰賴傳統PR公司,可以透過 SparkAmplify 的服務快速進軍海外市場並攻佔目標客群的心。
SparkAmplify 不僅在國內表現亮眼,在國外更是表現突出,2017年二月我們受邀請參加由Google贊助的 Startup Grind 全球新創企業展,此展是矽谷新創團隊的年度超級盛事。SparkAmplify 從 6,000位來自全球 80個國家,遍及世上 200座城市的申請者中,脫穎而出,進入前五十強 。