Customer Support Specialist (German Speaking)

Job updated 5 days ago
Actively Reviewing Resumes

Job Description

Currently, we would like to find a German-speaking customer service representative whose main task is to assist customers in solving a broad range of technical and market-related topics and to improve customer satisfaction for their success.

▲ About Splashtop

Splashtop is a SaaS company offering industry-leading remote access / support services, one-to-many video conferencing, and mobile mirroring apps. Our product range covers multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) and is highly regarded in the IT and education community (see: and or look for Splashtop in App Store / Google Play).


▲ What will you do in this role and what are the requirements of this role?

  • Communicate with customers and recommend them for the right Splashtop service.
  • Collect/track customer feedback and provide timely solutions.
  • Analyze reported technical issues, and co-work with internal developers to remedy problems.
  • Use internal ticket systems to answer email questions.
  • Use a text chat system and phone calls to answer users' questions.
  • Provide suggestions for product improvement.
  • Foreign residents are welcomed.
No requirement for relevant working experience
700,000 ~ 1,100,000 TWD / year
Personal Invitation Link
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About us

Splashtop Inc. /splæʃ.tɑːp/成立於矽谷,為全球包括美洲、歐洲、亞洲、中東及非洲用戶提供新一代遠端存取與遠端支援軟體及服務,包括批次作業、大量裝置管理和虛擬實驗室等進階功能。公司現有客戶橫跨娛樂、物流、汽車、飯店、金融、保險及科技產業,其中不乏全球五百大企業,如迪士尼 (Disney)、聯邦快遞 (FedEx)、奇異 (GE)、萬豪國際 (Marriott) 和豐田 (Toyota) 等;亦為政府及教育研究機構,如美國疾病預防控制中心 (CDC)、哈佛大學(Harvard University) 、麻省理工學院 (MIT) 提供技術支援。

2021 年初,由 Sapphire Ventures 領頭與其他 3 位長期投資者挹注五千萬美元與追加一千五百萬美元資金,Splashtop 亦成為市值估計超過 15 億美元的「獨角獸」企業,持續打造未來工作和教育的解決方案。


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Mid-Senior level
700K ~ 1.1M TWD / year