產品採購與物流管理 (Product Sourcing and Logistic Manager)

Job updated almost 6 years ago

Job Description


欲申請本職缺,請將您的「英文版」履歷及求職信 (Cover Letter)寄至: Email:juan(小老鼠)taiwannutrition.com 主旨:Sourcing and Logistic Candidate 2019

台灣營養創立於2011年,我們的心中一直懷抱著一個使命:  推廣正確營養知識與體能活動,建立更健康的社群。

欲了解更多關於台灣營養的信念與中心價值,歡迎至以下連結: 台灣營養 公司介紹


1. 開發新的上架商品,包括 
1.1 尋找本地供應商 
1.2 合約談判與協商

2. 管理本地供應商的物流作業 
2.1 管理採購單 
2.2 供應商和倉儲中心間的運輸管理

3. 管理國際廠商的物流作業 
3.1 準備進口文件 
3.2 進口事務處理 
3.3 管理產品運輸狀態



1. 建立關係的能力: 與產業中重要的供應商建立良好的關係。 
2. 擅於溝通: 能融入其他人並在團體中找到平衡點。 
3. 批判思考: 利用有邏輯和合理的思考模式,分析各個替代方案優缺點、做決策以及處理問題。 
4. 時間管理: 管理個人及他人的時間。 
5. 判斷與決策的能力: 思考相關成本及隱性成本後做出最恰當的決定。 
6. 積極進取:積極學習,利用最新的知識做出決策,或思考解決問題的辦法。 
7. 產品分析: 分析產品的賣點和需求性,以設計出最佳的產品組合。


1. 基本的英文能力 (口說與書寫) 
2. 願意學習,抗壓性強,喜歡節奏快的工作環境 
3. 精通 Excel 操作 
4. 三年相關工作經驗

您想要加入台灣營養團隊,卻找不到符合您的才能的相關職缺?我們想要聽到您的聲音!  將您的履歷寄至 juan(小老鼠)taiwannutrition.com,讓我們知道更多關於您的一切。


  1. 優於勞基法的休假制度,任職第一年即享有14天休假! 14 days vacations every year, starting from the first year.
  2. 我們超愛高科技所以你會有一台Macbook等著你。速度決定一切。 We love Mac and you will have a Macbook waiting for you. Speed is everything.
  3. 個人成長教育補助金。時時刻刻都要學習與成長。 Self-education scholarship. Always learning and improving.
  4. 健康奶昔、高蛋白飲料、蛋白棒...數不清的美味零食吃到飽。 All you can eat on our snack bar. Smoothies, protein shakes, protein bars, and more.
  5. 全天候的手沖烘焙咖啡等你一起來享用。如果你想要獲得更多能量與專注力,我們也有提供防彈咖啡 (Bulletproof Coffee)。 Hand pour fresh roasted Coffee, ready to be served at any time of the day. We also have Bulletproof Coffee for those who like to get an extra boost in energy and focus.
  6. 不可缺少的年終獎金。 End year bonus
  7. 福利基本款不會少的三節禮金。 3 Special Bonuses
  8. 推薦優秀人才獎金。 Talent Recommendation Rewards
  9. 基本的勞保、健保、退休金提撥。 Employee National Insurance and pension.
  10. 員工購物優惠!享折扣,大大滿足 Employee discount for our products in store.
  11. 沒有任何官僚文化,每一位員工的聲音都一樣重要。扁平的組織,彼此可以輕鬆談話。 No Bureaucracy. Flat organization with open communication.
  12. 全新又明亮的風水寶地,自然光從大片落地窗照進辦公室,神清氣爽好氣氛。 New and Bright Feng Shui Style Office. Huge windows and plenty of natural light. Good Energy and Good Vibes.
  13. 開放式的辦公空間,有超大桌子的舒服的椅子。精心設計的桌子把所有惱人的電線藏起來,雙腳再也不會跟電線打架。 Open style environment with huges tables and comfortable chairs. Tables were specially designed to hide all cables. No more cables running through your feet.
  14. 每年不定期辦各種活動,像是玩VR、聖誕火雞大餐、交換禮物。 Multiple company activities throughout the year. For example, annual Christmas Dinner party with gift exchange activity.
  15. 中英文交流環境,想讓英文進步?這裡可以幫你一把。 English and Chinese speaking environment.


NT$ 30,000 - 45,000 (月薪)

30,000 ~ 45,000 TWD / month
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Logo of 台灣營養 Taiwan Nutrition.

About us

Company Introduction 公司介紹

Taiwan Nutrition was founded in 2011 with one mission in mind: To build healthier communities by promoting good nutrition and physical activity.

We believe that a healthy lifestyle is the source of a productive and happy society.

We support this believe by educating our community with the latest breakthroughs in nutrition, fitness news, and offering access to a huge catalog of top international and national nutrition brands.

Your nutrition choices affect your health each day. How you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future, comes down to what you eat and how you are using that energy.

Good nutrition is an important habit that leads to a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and promote your overall health.

Therefore, we work to give people access to knowledge and nutritional products to support their healthy lifestyle.

When you are healthy, you are happy.


30K ~ 45K TWD / month

Entry level
28K ~ 35K TWD / month