1. 負責影音平台網站、後台與會員中心等相關功能開發。
2. 負責優化與維護既有網站與後台功能。
工作經驗:具備 3 年以上 C# 開發經驗。
TaiwanPlus (Taiwan+) 國際影音串流平台,是台灣第一個以全球為目標族群的全英語新聞、節目平台。
我們以全球為範圍尋覓專業人才,希望打造一支世界級水準的團隊。如果您是專長領域的頂尖人才,同時堅信台灣所代表的多重價值,希望促成改變,您將是Taiwan Plus需要的夥伴。
TaiwanPlus is Taiwan's first English-language news and programming platform targeted at the international audience.
This important effort aims to present Taiwan’s perspectives and voice in the world, and elevate Taiwan's visibility and influence in the international community. It will provide news and programming about, relevant to and beyond Taiwan. It aims to be the most influential voice leading the global conversations on topics relevant to Taiwan, regional developments and all the values that Taiwan represents, including democracy, human rights, openness, innovation, among others.
We are building a world-class A team with top talent from around the world. We are looking for the best people in your field, who are committed to the values that Taiwan represents and want to make a difference.