身為公司 HIE(Human Interface Engineering)團隊一員的你,將會負責公司產品 ThreatSonar 的功能介面設計與改良,HIE 團隊會頻繁地與各部門溝通與協作,良好的溝通能力與同理心是這個工作必備的 soft skill 之一。公司產品屬於 to B 端的產品,如有做 to B 端產品相關工作經驗更為加分。 【工作內容】 1. 與產品部門、開發部門合作開發產品...
身為公司 HIE(Human Interface Engineering)團隊一員的你,將會負責公司產品 ThreatSonar 的功能介面設計與改良,HIE 團隊會頻繁地與各部門溝通與協作,良好的溝通能力與同理心是這個工作必備的 soft skill 之一。公司產品屬於 to B 端的產品,如有做 to B 端產品相關工作經驗更為加分。 【工作內容】 1. 與產品部門、開發部門合作開發產品...
◆Coordinate all product development efforts from the discovering, planning stage through launch and beyond. ◆Work closely with stakeholders to gather and prioritize requirements based on market nee...
◆Coordinate all product development efforts from the discovering, planning stage through launch and beyond. ◆Work closely with stakeholders to gather and prioritize requirements based on market nee...
【About TeamT5】 Backed by esteemed Japanese companies including JAFCO Asia, ITOCHU Corporation, and MACNICA (parent company of Netpoleon Distribution), TeamT5 is a leading provider of cutting-edge c...
【About TeamT5】 Backed by esteemed Japanese companies including JAFCO Asia, ITOCHU Corporation, and MACNICA (parent company of Netpoleon Distribution), TeamT5 is a leading provider of cutting-edge c...