台灣特納飛科技有限公司 cover image
Logo of 台灣特納飛科技有限公司.
Logo of 台灣特納飛科技有限公司.


Logo of 台灣特納飛科技有限公司.
Logo of 台灣特納飛科技有限公司.

Company summary

Founded in January 2019. develops revolutionary SSD (Solid State Drive) controllers for data storage solutions in client, data center and emerging edge applications. with its patented technology, is transforming next generation solutions by powering unparalleled reliability, performance and energy efficient SSDs for a wide range of devices from connected gadgets to personal computers to data centers. TenaFe was founded by storage industry veterans with proven track records and funded by leading venture capital firms.




過去有成功的SSD產品在OEM量產,SATA, PCIE偕有。


    Products or services

    TenaFe launched TC2200 PCIe Gen4 NVMe DRAMless controller, ideal for PC OEM, Gaming and Edge applications

    主要商品在於基於Nand Flash 高速存儲IC的設計,韌體與系統設計開發,向客戶提供解決方案。客戶分布全球各大數據中心,PC OEM,自動駕駛,Big data等領域


    1. Innovation: 創新是新創公司最大的優勢。

    2. Quality: 注重品質,力求滿足客戶的需求。

    3. Service: 以客為尊,全力超越客戶的期待。

    Employee benefits

    • 員工照顧

      1. 年度員工免費健康檢查

      2. 員工團體保險全額補助

      3. 結婚禮金

      4. 生育補助

      5. 喪葬津貼

      • 其他福利

      1. 每月慶生下午茶會

      2. 節慶活動,例如:萬聖節party、聖誕節禮物交換party

      3. 年度尾牙

      4. 員工聚餐

      Work environment

      1. 彈性上下班時間

      2. 美式管理文化

      3. 優於勞基法休假制度

      4. 遠端上班制度健全

      5. 能量補給區:免費點心、飲料、鮮奶及研磨咖啡機無限享用

      6. 停車:提供機車停車位及汽車車位優惠補助

      7. 舒適優質的工作環璄,園區內附設餐廳、星巴克咖啡廳等

      8. 運動健身中心之優惠補助

      1. Deeply study of SSD/UFS product requirement, SoC design documents, FW design documents, JEDEC spec and NAND behavior and characterization spec, then define the test strategy, develop the test pl...
      70K ~ 200K TWD / month
      No requirement for relevant working experience
      Managing staff numbers: not specified

      UFS FW: 1. Protocol firmware design & development with UFS project. 2. Troubleshooting SSD FW: 1. Firmware design for FTL, such as performance/latency optimization, SPOR handling. 2. Firmware FTL m...
      70K ~ 200K TWD / month
      No requirement for relevant working experience
      Managing staff numbers: not specified