
Job updated over 3 years ago

Job Description

副本徵坦補 誠徵初階設計助理 

Hey you!我們是 theLOOP,是一間專門製造派對與歡樂的小公司。 

我們正在尋找一個熱情奔放、創意無限的設計助理 一起下副本。設計的重點包含派對與音樂活動的海報設計、宣傳物以及社群網站素材的設計,DPS 先不要。 






必備條件:1. 設計相關科系畢業

     2. 熟諳 Adobe Illustrator、Adobe Photoshop

     3. 精通 MMORPG

選配條件:1. 中英流利、有設計相關就業經驗為佳

     2. 能獨立使用 Adobe After Effects、Adobe Premiere Pro

     3. Lv. 80 史詩套裝

Interview process

1. 自備 portfolio 作品集並上傳至雲端,將連結傳給我們

2. Portfolio 入選者我們將主動通知安排面試

3. 面試後靜候佳音

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About us

Hey, what’s up!

你或許還不認識我們,但是如果你對國內的派對生態圈略知一二的話,你很難不接觸到我們。舉凡 Looptopia 樂托邦國際音樂季,以及每年夏季在新北市工商展覽中心舉辦的白色派對、萬聖時節的萬獸派對,以及高雄巨蛋的 Sensation 白色聖潮萬人派對,乃至於座落於台北市東區的夜店 LUXY,以及今年才全新開幕的 OMNI,都是在我們縝密構思、精心策劃之下而誕生的寶貝。

我們是 theLOOP,夜晚的彩妝師,將台灣的夜晚完美妝點。如果你也跟我們一樣希望讓台灣的夜晚更加精彩,那你就是我們在找的人!

我們在找全職企劃專員,負責派對活動構思、規劃與執行;喜愛團隊工作,具統籌操作媒體行銷專案、網路行銷以及活動創意及執行之能力。我們的團員需要熟悉網路生態,並對網路社群活動整合及企劃執行熱忱主動。若是具社群行銷操作包括活動整合,企劃,執行能力 1-2 年以上相關工作經驗者尤佳,且具又快又好的文字表達溝通能力。



theLOOP is an all-encompassing nightlife entertainment group conceived at the dawn of the century. We aim to deliver the most innovative and spectacular world-class nightlife experiences.

Our strengths lie fully in utilizing the group’s most valuable assets: our professional management team, creative competitiveness, and the rich resources brought by our key partners and stakeholders.

Since 2001, theLOOP has been cultivating Taiwan’s nightlife industry through a multitude of platforms. We strive to continue our mission by constantly elevating our strengths and core competencies to provide successful new ventures.

Ethos & Philosophy

We appreciate and understand that it’s our customers who make our brand grow so we endeavor to make all of our guests our ambassadors by making each and every experience personal.

Customer First – We favour an organic customer-driven approach to heightened experiences which generate a strong word-of-mouth, loyalty and affinity over expensive ads and marketing.

Educate – We understand our modern society's need for information to sustain stimulation. We translate that into new experiences for our guests to teach them about culture, craft and innovation.

Collaborate – At theLOOP, we believe that a healthy market is a diverse market and so we turn our competition into our collaborators for one all-encompassing extrasensory experience.

Elevate – Although theLOOP have expanded internationally, we are and will always be Taiwanese and by elevating our brand, we are elevating the status of Taiwan and sharing our elements of culture with the world.

Inspire – We got here by dreaming big and endeavour to create an atmosphere where our guests can dream even bigger and empower the next generation of experience design.

Longevity – As we approach two decades in the industry, we are already in the planning stages for two decades more.

Deliverables / Main Areas Expertise

The multilingual and interdisciplinary in-house team has spent over a decade mastering their craft and assisting international entertainment brands assimilate into the local culture to offer a complete hospitality experience that builds upon and around the local language and culture.

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