Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc. cover image
Logo of Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc..
Logo of Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc..

Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc.

Logo of Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc..
Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc.
Logo of Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc..
Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc.

Company summary

We are a solutions company, made out of solutions-finders ready to make a difference in the world of digital by providing real value solutions to real problems.

Our Story

In 2014, two friends, Kirby Gonzaga and Dwight Santos, took on a challenge – to create solutions for real-world problems using digital.

From years of working for different media companies, ad agencies, and publishers, Dwight and Kirby knew well the challenges that these companies encounter online. Frequently, digital was treated as a “budget” way to get results, or as an afterthought, not as a way to solve problems. They wanted to make digital a simpler, and solutions-oriented process that aims to solve problems, not create new ones. With that vision in mind, Kirby and Dwight, joined by a few brave souls, started Thirty One Digital Media Solutions, Inc.

In the years since, Thirty One Digital grew from a small 5-man team which started out banner ads and websites, into a group of passionate solutions-finders 40+ strong. Together, they worked on a wide array of projects as they encountered clients with different problems that can be solved creatively through digital. Through analyzing the data and providing real solutions, 31D has made exceptional growth with its relatively young team.

Our Culture

With the mission of creating genuine digital solutions to real-world client problems, Thirty One Digital fosters a culture of solutions-finding. Instead of finding someone to blame, we deal in solutions, not problems.

Thirty One Digital works to create a company culture that gives room for our team members to grow. We want every person on the team to be able to think outside of their role and identify real solutions. By giving them opportunities to be real solutions-finders, we were able to help them find ways to expand their skills, build their own passions, and help out causes that matter.

**此職缺需外派馬尼拉,能配合長期居住於菲律賓馬尼拉** **公司提供報到機票和入境簽證報銷 ** 「工作內容」 負責收集、分析並報告各種行銷活動的數據,提供優化活動效能及客戶參與度的見解。 - 進行市場研究及競爭對手分析,找出潛在內容機會並優化行銷策略。 - 收集並分析跨平臺的行銷活動數據(例如社群媒體、電子郵件、網站)。 - 深入分析網站效能、用戶行為及活動成效。 - 建立並維護行銷與銷...
85K ~ 101K PHP / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility

**此職缺需外派馬尼拉,能配合長期居住於菲律賓馬尼拉** **公司提供報到機票和入境簽證報銷 ** 「工作內容」 1、須熟悉電腦、電話及對談互動禮儀 2、熟悉公司規章及客服作業流程 3、接聽電話及線上顧客互動等相關業務 4、傾聽並能迅速回覆顧客問題及解決客戶疑問 5、確保工作正常運作並回饋改善建議,並可針對工作流程提出便捷之優化需求。 6、蒐集、監控各產品相關問題,突發狀況之處理與回報。 7...
85K ~ 101K PHP / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility