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Logo of 新加坡商鈦坦科技.


Logo of 新加坡商鈦坦科技.
Logo of 新加坡商鈦坦科技.
The employer was active about 18 hours ago
你所追求的⼯作是什麼?是【主動預防問題】,還是【被動等待問題】? 在鈦坦,我們有專業的資料庫團隊,主要負責資料庫的效能、監控、資安以及管理。如果你對於⼤型資料庫及⾼頻交易資料庫有興趣,你可以在這裡獲得許多挑戰。可能有些需求會需要你⽤C#維護專案,但平常約80%的時間你可以專精在資料庫上。我們會⽤到的技術有Powershell, MSSQL, Ansible, Grafana, InfluxD...
你所追求的⼯作是什麼?是【主動預防問題】,還是【被動等待問題】? 在鈦坦,我們有專業的資料庫團隊,主要負責資料庫的效能、監控、資安以及管理。如果你對於⼤型資料庫及⾼頻交易資料庫有興趣,你可以在這裡獲得許多挑戰。可能有些需求會需要你⽤C#維護專案,但平常約80%的時間你可以專精在資料庫上。我們會⽤到的技術有Powershell, MSSQL, Ansible, Grafana, InfluxD...
Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan
53K ~ 75K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
【Game changer, armed with data.】 You know all about our users, through data analysis. And because you do, you can identify issues and present insights to our Product Owners, spurring them into acti...
【Game changer, armed with data.】 You know all about our users, through data analysis. And because you do, you can identify issues and present insights to our Product Owners, spurring them into acti...
Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan 115
90K+ TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
【Game changer, armed with data.】 You know all about our users, through data analysis. And because you do, you can identify issues and present insights to our Product Owners, spurring them into acti...
【Game changer, armed with data.】 You know all about our users, through data analysis. And because you do, you can identify issues and present insights to our Product Owners, spurring them into acti...
50K ~ 70K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility