【What a Data Scientist does in Titansoft?】
1. Apply statistical and machine learning techniques to build models for user classification, fraud detection and other objectives
2. Mine, analyze and visualize data from company databases to drive optimization and improve product development, marketing techniques and business strategies
3. Identify, understand and solve business problems based on the company's overall targets.
4. Coordinate with different feature teams to implement models and design proper performance evaluation metrics
1. Have NLP / CRM / User Behavior / Recommendation relevant experience will be a plus.
2. Knowledge and experience with application of a variety of machine learning techniques (clustering, decision tree, neural network, etc.).
3. Knowledge and experience with application of advanced statistical techniques (regression, various statistical tests, etc.).
4. Real-world ML project end-to-end experiences, including model simulation.
5. Data pipeline processing end-to-end experiences or have related experience in cooperation with others.
6. Five years + of data related work experience.
7. Have mentorship experience in leading or guiding data projects/products.
1. Proficiency in Python (must), SQL or other programming languages.
2. Proficiency in common ML frameworks, etc., Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Hugging Face.
3. Strong problem solving skills.
4. Excellent written and verbal communication skills for coordinating across teams and with stakeholders.
鈦坦科技,是一間總部位於新加坡的軟體開發公司,提供線上軟體平台客製開發與維護,以及代理 Atlassian 旗下產品 Jira Software & Confluence、線上視覺化白板 Miro ,以自身實際使用經驗提供一站式導入服務。身處快速變動的軟體產業,我們採用敏捷開發,同時將敏捷思維注入公司文化,目的是快速、靈活地應對客戶和市場需求的變化,在多年導入及迭代的經驗下,我們也開始提供企業客製化敏捷課程及顧問諮詢服務。
◆ Never Stop Growing ◆
◆ Never Stop Trying ◆
◆ Never Stop Challenging ◆
◆ Never Stop Changing ◆
◆ Never Stop Improving ◆
在鈦坦學習就是生活的一部分,只要是鈦坦人就可以參與多元的訓練計畫,發揮你全部潛能。 因為我們深信:公司的成長,來自夥伴的成長。