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| 我們需要什麼樣的人?|
幫帳轉金融科技股份有限公司成立於 2018 年台灣,是一家運用 P2P 媒合方式以 AI 聊天機器人為核心的 Fintech 新創公司。我們關注 Fintech 的趨勢脈動,借鑒國際金融制度,致力於提供更人性化、智慧化的金融科技服務。
目前的產品有解決金流、物流等問題導向的跨境代買──「代買幫」,提供國際電話卡儲值、解決語言不通問題的「i 智儲」,過往也曾推出提供優質匯率並能快速跨國匯款的工具──「轉帳幫」。未來,我們即將推出更多跨國合作的 AI 聊天機器人產品。
在 2022 年,我們成功獲得種子輪募資,2023年,我們計畫納入更多不同領域的專業人才及實習生,一起跳脫舊有 IT 思維並打破傳統金融框架,期待具有高度適應力和創造力的你一同加入!
Transferhelp Co., Ltd was founded in Taiwan in 2018 as a Fintech start-up that utilizes P2P matchmaking with AI chatbot as its core technology. We keep a close eye on the trends of Fintech and draw inspiration from international financial systems. Our mission is to provide more personalized and intelligent fintech services.
Our current products include CHATxBUY for cross-border purchasing, TOPUPWISE for international phone card top-up. Previously, we had Transferhelper for quality exchange rates and fast cross-border remittance. We plan to launch more AI chatbot products for cross-border cooperation in the future.
In 2022, we raised seed funding and planned to bring in more diverse professionals and interns in 2023 to break away from traditional IT thinking and financial frameworks. Join us in this exciting journey if you possess high adaptability and creativity!