Large Language Models (LLM) Expert (VicOne_Automotive Security)

Job updated 7 months ago

Job Description

Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Designing and Optimizing Large Language Models:
Develop and fine-tune large language models tailored for specific applications.
2. Collaboration with MLOps Engineer:
Work closely with MLOps engineers to prototype custom solutions, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems.
3. AI/ML Modeling Expertise:
- Demonstrate hands-on experience in AI/ML modeling, particularly with complex datasets.
- Possess a strong understanding of the theoretical foundations of AI/ML.
4. Production Environment Management:
Efficiently manage large language models in production environments to enable (almost) real-time solutions.
5. ML Pipeline Development and Deployment:
Build and execute ML pipelines, deploying models to enhance the accuracy of various process steps.


1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Experience: Practical experience in NLP or a similar role.
2. Cloud Services Proficiency: Hands-on experience with ML cloud services on Azure or AWS, such as Azure ML, Amazon SageMaker, or MLFlow.
3. Programming Skills: Strong programming skills in languages like Python or Java.
4. Data Processing Expertise: Experience in large-scale data processing, including data collection, cleaning, and preprocessing.
5. UNIX/Linux Proficiency: Proficient in working with UNIX/Linux environments and command-line tools.
6. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills: Demonstrate strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.

This position requires a candidate with a solid background in AI/ML, proficiency in handling large language models, and the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams. The ideal candidate should have practical experience in NLP, cloud services, programming, and data processing, coupled with a strong analytical mindset.

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40,000+ TWD / month
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Mid-Senior level