R0006613 (Sr.) Data Engineer/AI Trainer

Job updated 20 days ago

Job Description

[Our Team - Slime]

We are a dynamic team specializing in vendor and partner integration, campaign delivery, and data analysis for various Trend Micro products. Our mission is to analyze data from cross-domain sources to identify opportunities for business enhancement and support decision-making. We also collaborate with field sales and marketing teams to deliver vendor, partner and campaign integration services/systems to achieve business goals.

[Our Role - Data Engineer/AI Trainer]

  • Provide Business Intelligence Solutions: Develop and maintain good quality/performance data pipelines, interfaces, and reports for cloud BI platforms (Databricks/RedShift/BigQuery) to meet business requests and data inquiries.
  • Support Decision-Making: Gain expertise in consumer product domain knowledge and regional business context. Collaborate with business teams to define key metrics and analyze data to achieve business objectives.
  • Data Evangelist: Understand potential business needs and provide data analysis suggestion. Simultaneously, educate and guide business stakeholders on the correct utilization of data to support business decision-making.
  • AI Trainer for Productivity: Developing, optimizing, and deploying AI models to enhance internal productivity by leveraging data and machine learning techniques.
  • AI Trainer for Opportunity: Develop, optimize, and deploy AI models to solve business problems and seize opportunities by using data and machine learning techniques


[Qualifications / Requirements]


  • BS/MS in Computer Science or Information Engineering related
  • 3+ years’ experience in cloud service or data engineering development
  • Strong experience with RDBMS and solid SQL(MSSQL) programming/performance optimization skill
  • Strong communication, problem solving and analytical skills
  • Experience in data preprocess/issue tracing/analysis
  • Experience with LLM optimization skills (Prompt Engineering, RAG, Model tuning)
  • Familiar with python data processing tools (pandas, pyspark, polars, numpy)
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, creative and collaborative environment
  • Passion for the new technology applied to job quality or performance improvement
  • Moderate English reading/writing skills

Big Plus

  • Experience with data store, ETL and analysis relate PaaS/SaaS services in Databricks (or AWS)
  • Experience in data visualization tools like Tableau (or Power BI)
  • Experience in Python
  • Solid understanding of machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) techniques, also has the ability to apply domain knowledge to AI model development and problem-solving
  • Experience in GitHub Action or other CI / CD services

3 years of experience required
Partial Remote Work
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Logo of the organization.
Entry level
55K ~ 100K TWD / month
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Mid-Senior level
30K ~ 99.99K TWD / month
Logo of 趨勢科技 TrendMicro.

About us

你認識趨勢科技嗎?你認識的趨勢科技是什麼樣貌?趨勢科技有什麼過人之處,讓 FBI 自動找上門?讓世界最大跨國警察組織-國際刑警組織 (Interpol) 搶著跟它合作?讓全球 50 大企業中的 45 家企業都成為它的忠實客戶?還讓國內外知名大學拿它當課堂研究案例?現在就來探索你所不知道的趨勢科技!

【 全球安全連結世界的資安領航者 】


【 企業版圖橫跨全球五大洲 】

趨勢科技 1988 年成立於美國加州,總部位於日本東京,於 1998 年正式在日本東京證交所掛牌上市(股票代碼:4704)。自成立以來,趨勢科技以領導性的先進技術迅速在世界五大洲拓展版圖,目前全球營運據點遍及 55 個國家,共有 7,000 位員工。

【 亞洲與台灣最大的純軟體公司 】

趨勢科技在亞洲共計有近 4,000 位同仁,台灣有 1,700 位同仁,擁有超過 1,000 位以上的工程師在台灣,負責研發全球超過 3 千萬名企業、家庭與個人用戶使用的最新及最完整的資訊安全核心技術及產品,是全球的研發中心,更是亞洲與台灣最大的純軟體公司。

【 致力於實現更安全的數位世界 】

  • 與世界最大跨國警察組織 (INTERPOL) 合作,歐洲刑警組織 (Europol) 以及英國國家犯罪局 (NCA) 合作,協助打擊全球網路犯罪
  • 協助 FBI 破獲史上最大的網路犯罪,與FBI共同舉辦網路威脅研討會
  • 協助日本東京都警視廳破獲網路銀行詐騙
  • Cybersecurity Tech Accord(網路資安技術協議)創始會員,聯盟致力保護所有客戶,防止不肖組織和國家發動惡意攻擊。會員包括:Cisco, Facebook, HP, Intel, Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle, Siemens等

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Entry level

Entry level

Mid-Senior level