趨勢科技 - 全球雲端資安領航者 / 全亞洲最大軟體公司 / 企業版圖橫跨五大洲 / 趨勢全球研發基地在台灣
With the advent of the 5G era, the cloud-based V2X brings exciting new possibilities. An electric vehicle is not only a computer with four wheels, but also a mobile data center! Between 2018 and 2022, 125 million cars with embedded connected functions will be sold globally, and hundreds of millions of “connected cars” will join the ecosystem, bringing new challenges and security breaches. It is estimated that by 2030, there will be 700 million connected cars globally and 90 million self-driving cars!
Under the waves of electric vehicles trend, all electric vehicle component suppliers who want to sell products will have to obtain information security related certifications. Trend Micro aims to assist those who want to enter the electric vehicle industry to obtain information security and establish information security certification standards. To embrace the new business opportunities, we are hiring all passionate "YOU" to join and be inspired to go onto a new journey, while exploring Electric Vehicle Security Market in depth!
1. Innovate and develop comprehensive security solution for the Software-defined Vehicles (SDV) and protect user’s digital life in a Smart Cockpit
2. Participate in all stages of the software development process, including but not limited to requirement analysis, planning, design and develop, unit testing, automation testing and documentation
3. Learn the real-world cyber threats and attacks against connected cars
4. Learn the most up to date Smart cockpit architecture and technologies
1. Bachelor degree or higher in computer science or equivalent work experience
2. 4+ years experience in software development
3. Experience in Android (or Android Automotive OS) app development
4. Familiar with Android SDK, NDK and JNI
5. Good knowledge of Android and Embedded Linux system
6. Good English communications skills
7. Experience in integrating Android app with backend APIs and push notification
8. Experience in developing cloud native application is a plus
9. Familiar with AWS/Azure/GCP is a plus
10. Experience in Infotainment system and Digital cockpit development is a plus
連結智慧 守護世界 --- Connected Intelligence for Securing a Connected World
你認識趨勢科技嗎?你認識的趨勢科技是什麼樣貌?趨勢科技有什麼過人之處,讓 FBI 自動找上門?讓世界最大跨國警察組織-國際刑警組織 (Interpol) 搶著跟它合作?讓全球 50 大企業中的 45 家企業都成為它的忠實客戶?還讓國內外知名大學拿它當課堂研究案例?現在就來探索你所不知道的趨勢科技!
【 全球安全連結世界的資安領航者 】
【 企業版圖橫跨全球五大洲 】
趨勢科技 1988 年成立於美國加州,總部位於日本東京,於 1998 年正式在日本東京證交所掛牌上市(股票代碼:4704)。自成立以來,趨勢科技以領導性的先進技術迅速在世界五大洲拓展版圖,目前全球營運據點遍及 55 個國家,共有 7,000 位員工。
【 亞洲與台灣最大的純軟體公司 】
趨勢科技在亞洲共計有近 4,000 位同仁,台灣有 1,700 位同仁,擁有超過 1,000 位以上的工程師在台灣,負責研發全球超過 3 千萬名企業、家庭與個人用戶使用的最新及最完整的資訊安全核心技術及產品,是全球的研發中心,更是亞洲與台灣最大的純軟體公司。
【 致力於實現更安全的數位世界 】
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