We are looking for a talented and experienced software engineer to lead the technical direction of our company’s projects. You will proactively provide suggestions and advice on architectural and technical issues. You will work on projects from ideation to production. You will be tasked with developing prototypes and other technical projects. You will work with a small, fast-moving team and impact all development-related.
You should love technology and be up-to-date with the latest tools and methodologies. You have competencies in agile development, multi-tenancy, edge computing, Javascript frameworks, API patterns and design, WebRTC, content delivery networks, server-side, client-side, database paradigms, etc.
We emphasize a well-written cover letter that tells us what you know about us and how you think you could contribute to what we do. Keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Please don't send us a cover letter detailing every project you have ever worked on, as that should already be included in your resume. If you are invited to an interview, we will ask you in-depth about your projects. Mention your favorite boba drink, as it shows us you read this job description to the end rather than just applying to every job on this platform. We will also ask you for a mandatory list of 3-5 references we can contact, so please have that ready.
We are a startup working on making remote support better than in-person support by allowing businesses to see things as their customers see them.
Our product allows support agents to request smartphone camera access from consumers so that they can send a live-streamed video of what they’re looking at to the agents, with tools for agents to help guide consumers in resolving their issues. This makes it much faster to figure out the problem and fix it than many back-and-forth questions and answers on the phone, in email, or chat.
We are an internationally oriented team with teammates from the U.S. and Taiwan. Our founder comes from Silicon Valley in the U.S., and our company culture reflects an open and flexible working environment.