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Công việc được cập nhật 10 tháng

Mô tả công việc


  • Plan and write product test plans/test items/reports for the required functions to achieve and continuously improve the test process. 
  • Actively feedback and track the problem, analyze the root cause and debug the issues.
  • Manually execute the test case to confirm that the case can effectively verify the function, and analyze, clarify and narrow the scope when encountering problems.
  • Perform functional testing, user testing, integration testing and stress testing.
  • Possess teamwork ability, able to cooperate with technical personnel, designers, and product demand personnel to complete the development and operation of the project.


  • 2 years+ of software development or testing experience.
  • Familiar with more than 1 continuous integration and software version control tools (JIRA, Jenkins, etc.)
  • Familiar with and have complete product integration testing experience (Cloud Service, Mobile App, Web, Unity App, at least 1 of above)
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Yêu cầu 2 năm kinh nghiệm
700,000 ~ 900,000 TWD / năm
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VIVERSE 是讓人身歷其境且擁有無限新體驗的元宇宙 (Metaverse) 生態系,打破空間和裝置藩籬,緊密連結個人與社群,讓每個人都享有打造專屬 VIVERSE 元宇宙的權利;讓擁有不同生活方式的人們,皆能聚集於一個開放且易於進入的全新虛擬空間,更沒有個人交易和資料安全疑慮。

VIVERSE 與全球數以千計的內容開發者合作構建 VIVERSE 生態系,促進開放標準的共享資源和社區,打造一條通向治理、經濟、隱私和安全的透明途徑,提供前所未有的產業創新革命。

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