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Objectives of this Role

• Guard all company data, particularly sensitive information, from both internal and external threats by designing broad defenses against would-be intruders

• Take the lead in day-to-day monitoring for unusual activities, implement defensive protocols, and report incidents

• Collaborate with other members to develop new protocols, layers of protection, and other proactive and defensive systems for remaining ahead of cyber criminals

• Maintain documentation of security guidelines, procedures, standards, and controls

• Maintain knowledge of current cybercrime tactics


• Collect data on current security measures for risk analysis, and write systems status reports regularly

• Monitor constantly for attacks and run appropriate defensive protocols if a breach occurs

• Conduct testing to identify vulnerabilities, and collaborate with the cybersecurity team to update defensive protocols when necessary

• Configure antivirus systems, firewalls, data centers, and software updates with a security-first mindset

• Grant credentials to authorized users, monitor access-related activities, and check for unregistered information changes

• Help lead employee training to prevent phishing and other forms of cyberattacks


Skills and qualifications:

● Knowledge of security frameworks: strong understanding of security frameworks such as ISO 27001, NIST, and CIS.

● Risk management skills: identify and assess risks, and develop risk management plans to mitigate them.

● Technical skills: a solid understanding of networking, operating systems, databases, and security technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and antivirus software.

● Incident response skills: respond to security incidents effectively, including identifying the root cause, containing the incident, and restoring normal operations.

● Communication skills: communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders, including executives, IT teams, and end-users.

● Analytical skills: analyze data and make informed decisions based on the information available.

● Business acumen: good understanding of business operations, strategies, and objectives to align security goals with the overall business goals.

● Continuous learning: willingness to continuously learn and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the security field.

● Certifications: Certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) can demonstrate the security specialist's expertise and knowledge.

Proses interview


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Tidak ada persyaratan pengalaman kerja terkait
1,000,000 ~ 1,800,000 TWD / tahun
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Tentang Kami

VIVERSE 是讓人身歷其境且擁有無限新體驗的元宇宙 (Metaverse) 生態系,打破空間和裝置藩籬,緊密連結個人與社群,讓每個人都享有打造專屬 VIVERSE 元宇宙的權利;讓擁有不同生活方式的人們,皆能聚集於一個開放且易於進入的全新虛擬空間,更沒有個人交易和資料安全疑慮。

VIVERSE 與全球數以千計的內容開發者合作構建 VIVERSE 生態系,促進開放標準的共享資源和社區,打造一條通向治理、經濟、隱私和安全的透明途徑,提供前所未有的產業創新革命。

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