Monitor the front driveway to ensure a smooth flow of traffic (vehicle and pedestrian).
Responsible for providing an inviting and fun welcome and farewell to all guests entering/leaving the hotel.
Assist both arriving and departing guests with luggage storage handling to and from their rooms.
Increasing ability and willing to take Airport daily operation training to preferment as senior Welcome Ambassador.
Provide Whatever/Whenever service to guests to ensure that they have a memorable experience with us.
W 不僅僅是一個飯店,更是一個創造夢想的地方,它包含了非傳統奢華體驗的現代生活方式, 在這裡展現流行、新潮和另類的生活美學。 作為我們寄予厚望的"人才",您需要將這種生活新文化展現給我們顧客, 您將會是飯店品牌成功的關鍵,並將理念與我們一起融入生活。
我們的設計理念 W 飯店不斷追求時尚風格與舒適之間的完美平衡,同時展現創新及別出心裁的理念, 通過溫馨舒適、體貼入微的服務和別具一格的設施,W 飯店處處營造著清新、舒適的氛圍, 讓客人感到賓至如歸,我們需要擁有 熱情、美妙、機智的您, W 歡迎您的加入。