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只有細膩的觀察過這個世界,才能夠描繪有溫度的畫面。 沒有人能畫出一棵樹,除非感受樹與環境的關係,才能補捉到一絲神韻; 沒有人能畫出一個小孩,但靜靜觀察孩子的遊戲與表情,就能繪出孩子的個性。 The painter told me, no one can shapeless when draw a tree, the tree only relying on the outline of early children, no one can draw the child, but watch for a period of time the child’s actions, can know the character of children, to create his every expression. 拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson