Job updated 6 months ago
Actively Reviewing Resumes

Job Description

  • Strategic Vision: Lead the team with strong technical expertise and strategic guidance.
  • Talent recruitment, Team build up and Training
  • Team Leadership: Set team objectives based on BU goals and lead the team to achieve the goal. Work with team bring new technologies/process to enhance product core competence.
  • Project Management: Act as consultor to provide guidance and work with team to resolve the challenge during entire project development.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Build strong partnerships with cross-functional teams, . Effectively communicate and align project updates.


  • Remarkable technical, diagnostic, and troubleshooting skills.
  • Familiar with 4G/5G communication technology, IVI/CPU application. Automotive experience is plus.
  • Willing to build a potentially professional relationship with clients and staff.
  • Significantly stronger leadership and organizational abilities.
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and motivational skills.
10 years of experience required
1,800,000 ~ 2,500,000 TWD / year
Managing 5-10 staff
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Assistant Project Manager