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Job Description

1. 以Unity/C#為平台,開發日文、中文及英文版的MR/AR/VR人工智慧產品。
2. 構建最先進的混合實境及擴增實境方案,例如用於Mobile AR、Hololens、HTC Vive及手機。
3. 開發及支援高品質、可靠度高的互動性應用。
4. 配合團隊提供數位資產、工作流程及研發的最佳實施架構。
5. 對於專案設計流程及工具提出建議及改善方案。
6. 參與創意性腦力激盪討論,開發創新的VR/AR/MR體驗。
7. 對於如何構建有效率的產品製作流程提出建議與經驗。
8. 能夠與產業當中最新趨勢同步,並可提出技術創新想法。
9. 能夠與不同功能團隊配合工作,確保進行的專案能夠及時完成。
10. 配合Unity進行IOS/Android底層開發。


(Having at least 5 years of experience, the ability to effectively manage and mentor team members is crucial.)
1. Develop MR/AR/VR AI products in Japanese, Chinese, and English on the Unity/C# platform.
2. Build cutting-edge mixed reality and augmented reality solutions, such as for Mobile AR, Hololens, HTC Vive, and smartphones.
3. Develop and support high-quality, highly reliable interactive applications.
4. Collaborate with the team to provide the best implementation framework for digital assets, workflows, and R&D.
5. Suggest and implement improvements for project design processes and tools.
6. Participate in creative brainstorming sessions to develop innovative VR/AR/MR experiences.
7. Offer suggestions and share experiences on how to build efficient product development processes.
8. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and propose technical innovation ideas.
9. Work with cross-functional teams to ensure projects are completed on time.
10. Collaborate with Unity to develop iOS/Android underlying systems.

+++++Being proactive is one of our core values; we love people who are proactive and suggest solutions and improvements in the team's work!+++++




•Unity/C# 3D 三年以上開發經驗,如果是開發遊戲更佳
•3D 繪圖引擎使用經驗,
•具備使用第三方API, SDK, Plug-in的豐富經驗 具有最新繪圖API的經驗
•記憶體暫存Mono or IL2CPP or Memory Profiler
•Unity 做 IOS/Android Native、Objc、Javascript 底程開發
•熟悉 Unity 2019 以上版本
•3D Character Movement、Touch, Joystick、Keyboard and Mouse etc
•Unity3D Addressable、ECS、 job system、Profiler、Animation Controller、Avatar Mask、Timeline、MechAnim
•Object oriented scripting、Coroutines、Data Persistance
• UGUI、NGUI、Statemachine、Decision Tree、Behavior Tree
•Pathfinding A*、Navmesh、Singleton、Scene、Object Pooling
•Bson,Json、Dll data format

Interview process


1. 口試

2. 筆試

3. 問答

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5 years of experience required
80,000 ~ 140,000 TWD / month
Partial Remote Work
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Logo of 萬達人工智慧科技股份有限公司.
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
11 - 50 people

About us

萬達是人工智慧(AI)陪伴領域的開拓者,我們正在尋找熱衷於創造未來人工智慧與人類互動的工程師,並且具備人工智慧與機器學習技能。 我們的使命是將AI友伴無縫整合到日常生活和各行各業中,包括手機遊戲、客戶零售資訊亭,以及在旅遊、醫療保健、設計、內容創作、製造、零售和教育等領域,通過XR媒介擴展企業應用程式。我們不僅是在創造技術,更是在建立深層次的聯繫。 我們的AI友伴設計具有人類般的個性、回應能力、主動性和知識,使其有別於傳統AI。萬達的AI服務涵蓋包括台灣、中國、日本、美國在內的精英客戶,涉及的行業橫跨遊戲、零售、製造和醫療等亞洲前20名的企業。萬達擁有最先進的資源,包括A100和H100 GPU,由30名專業人士組成的團隊提供支持。我們正在尋找那些與我們有共同願景的工作夥伴,他們將人工智慧視為伙伴,而非僅僅是工具,與我們一起將人工智慧轉變為跨媒介的合作夥伴。 是AI陪伴領域的領導者,在2024年ChinaJoy中榮獲最佳AI陪伴產品獎。我們的市場涵蓋動畫、漫畫、遊戲以及美國、日本、台灣、中國等地區。 與全球夥伴合作,正在打造下一個全球性AI陪伴應用的巔峰之作。公司已經為今年年底的全球產品發佈做好準備,現正擴大團隊規模。我們正在尋找對創新充滿熱情,並願意全身心投入的個人,與我們一起實現3D角色與人類即時互動的未來。這是一個讓你充分發揮創造力並獲得豐厚回報的絕佳機會。如果你渴望參與這項具有巨大潛力和挑戰性的工作,請立即訪問我們的網站 [],了解更多公司成就與案例。
1. (
2. ( is a pioneer in AI companionship, and we are seeking engineers who are passionate about shaping the future of human-AI interaction and possess strong skills in AI and machine learning. Our mission is to seamlessly integrate AI companions into everyday life and various industries—including mobile games, customer retail kiosks, and enterprise applications that expand across XR media in fields such as tourism, healthcare, design, content creation, manufacturing, retail, and education. We are not just creating technology; we are building connections. Our AI companions are designed with human-like personalities, responsiveness, initiative, and knowledge, setting them apart from traditional serves elite clients across Taiwan, China, Japan, and the United States, with industries ranging from gaming and retail to manufacturing and healthcare, including Asia's top 20 companies. We are equipped with cutting-edge resources, including A100 and H100 GPUs, supported by a team of 30 professionals. We are looking for like-minded partners who view AI not just as a tool but as a companion, to join us on this journey of transforming AI into cross-media is a leader in AI companionship, having won the Best AI Companionship Product award at 2024 ChinaJoy. Our market spans animation, comics, games, and regions including the United States, Japan, and China. collaborates with global partners and is building the next global AI companionship application. The company is gearing up for a global product launch at the end of this year and is expanding its team.We are looking for individuals who are passionate about innovation and willing to fully dedicate themselves to realizing the future of real-time interaction between 3D characters and humans. This is an excellent opportunity to unleash your creativity and receive substantial rewards. If you are eager to be part of this high-potential, challenging endeavor, please visit our website [] to learn more about our achievements and case studies.


75K ~ 90K TWD / month

Entry level
40K ~ 50K TWD / month

Entry level
30K ~ 35K TWD / month