1. 以Unity/C#為平台,開發日文、中文及英文版的MR/AR/VR人工智慧產品。
2. 構建最先進的混合實境及擴增實境方案,例如用於Mobile AR、Hololens、HTC Vive及手機。
3. 開發及支援高品質、可靠度高的互動性應用。
4. 配合團隊提供數位資產、工作流程及研發的最佳實施架構。
5. 對於專案設計流程及工具提出建議及改善方案。
6. 參與創意性腦力激盪討論,開發創新的VR/AR/MR體驗。
7. 對於如何構建有效率的產品製作流程提出建議與經驗。
8. 能夠與產業當中最新趨勢同步,並可提出技術創新想法。
9. 能夠與不同功能團隊配合工作,確保進行的專案能夠及時完成。
10. 配合Unity進行IOS/Android底層開發。
(Having at least 5 years of experience, the ability to effectively manage and mentor team members is crucial.)
1. Develop MR/AR/VR AI products in Japanese, Chinese, and English on the Unity/C# platform.
2. Build cutting-edge mixed reality and augmented reality solutions, such as for Mobile AR, Hololens, HTC Vive, and smartphones.
3. Develop and support high-quality, highly reliable interactive applications.
4. Collaborate with the team to provide the best implementation framework for digital assets, workflows, and R&D.
5. Suggest and implement improvements for project design processes and tools.
6. Participate in creative brainstorming sessions to develop innovative VR/AR/MR experiences.
7. Offer suggestions and share experiences on how to build efficient product development processes.
8. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and propose technical innovation ideas.
9. Work with cross-functional teams to ensure projects are completed on time.
10. Collaborate with Unity to develop iOS/Android underlying systems.
+++++Being proactive is one of our core values; we love people who are proactive and suggest solutions and improvements in the team's work!+++++
•Unity/C# 3D 三年以上開發經驗,如果是開發遊戲更佳
•3D 繪圖引擎使用經驗,
•具備使用第三方API, SDK, Plug-in的豐富經驗 具有最新繪圖API的經驗
•記憶體暫存Mono or IL2CPP or Memory Profiler
•Unity 做 IOS/Android Native、Objc、Javascript 底程開發
•熟悉 Unity 2019 以上版本
•3D Character Movement、Touch, Joystick、Keyboard and Mouse etc
•Unity3D Addressable、ECS、 job system、Profiler、Animation Controller、Avatar Mask、Timeline、MechAnim
•Object oriented scripting、Coroutines、Data Persistance
• UGUI、NGUI、Statemachine、Decision Tree、Behavior Tree
•Pathfinding A*、Navmesh、Singleton、Scene、Object Pooling
•Bson,Json、Dll data format
1. 口試
2. 筆試
3. 問答