WorkTech is created by Hansen Group in 2011. We have a team of multidisciplinary specialists in business operation, risk management, financing, legal profession, sales, customer servicing, marketing, engineering, ICT and printing and publication. We provide advice and solutions to the problems you encounter throughout your business journey. WorkTech, as with its name, leverages on ideas like FinTech and InsurTech: with an innovative use of technology to better foster cross border business collaborations and dealings. We have over ten sites in Hong Kong, two in China and recently Taipei to bring our members the best of these connected markets.
About us:
WorkTech is a leading co-working brand with over 19 sites across Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Taipei. We provide inspiring, aesthetically designed work spaces for companies for all growth stages, entrepreneurs and freelancers to thrive, connect and prosper.
Are you are interested to be part of a global team and having the opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and industries, enjoy bridging relations both professionally and personally?
Click apply and drop by for a chat (informal interview)!
WorkTech跟近年潮興的FinTech、InsurTech一樣,致力結合科技與創新,打造一個講求經濟效率的共享工作間,為你解決營商的各種困難。加入我們,自始你的創業路將不再孤單。 WorkTech由紮根香港、放眼亞洲的漢森集團創立,集團於2011年起開拓商務物業管理業務,背後由一班專業團隊負責營運,涉獵風險管理、財務融資、法律、營銷、客戶服務、市場策劃、工程、資訊科技、印刷等各方面的專才。這班優秀的團隊將成為你的生意最強後盾,全天候為你出謀獻策,解決各種疑難。若自問胸懷創業大志,只需一個點子,我們將助你邁出創業第一步。未來WorkTech還將逐步進軍亞洲市場,建立跨國營商共享網絡,帶領你的業務衝出香港,開拓更大的商機。"
WorkTech是一個領先的共享工作間品牌,在香港,上海,北京和台北已經擁有超過19個共享工作空間地點。 我們為所有初創公司、企業家和自由工作者提供最舒適,以及富有美學設計的工作空間。WorkTech希望促進企業相互共享網絡和連繫,一同繁榮發展。