1. 負責品牌於亞馬遜店鋪的行銷和推廣,制定平台策略;
2. 提供產品需求計畫,提前進行庫存調配;
3. 結合亞馬遜平台資源進行有效的活動與促銷推廣,制定付費廣告計畫;
4. 具備通過站外SEM、Social Media、電子郵件等行銷手段增加店鋪流量與提高排名的能力;
5. 每日監控與定期分析店鋪數據(店鋪流量、銷售數據、轉化率、行銷活動等),並針對推廣效果進行跟蹤、評估和統計分析,及時提出改進方案;
6. 市場調研,收集分析產品資訊及競爭者狀況;
7. 整合店鋪介面內容,維持良好的CMS;
8. 提升好評率,維護帳戶更新與運作;
9. 英語可作為工作語言,有海外學習和工作經驗者優先;
10. 完成主管其他交辦事項。
※ 需與歐洲總部聯繫與溝通
1. 大專以上學歷,2年以上亞馬遜平台運營工作經驗優先。
2. 具備良好數據分析能力與思考邏輯。
3. 熟悉亞馬遜平台運營方式、推廣經驗、平台規則以及內部活動各種行銷工具,有豐富的操作經驗。
4. 具備SNS廣告投放經驗尤佳。
5. 英語聽說讀寫流暢。
6. 具有良好的工作協調、溝通能力、市場洞察與分析能力。
1. 英文 : 可作為工作語言;
2. 日文、韓文或其他第二外語佳。
Amazon seller central、Amazon vendor central、Excel、PowerPoint、Adobe Photoshop
1. 直接主管面試(可視訊)
2. 直接主管與總經理面試
Born in Dublin, raised in California.
We are a team of big kids who never grew up! We spent our childhoods outside on anything with wheels. We believe there is nothing quite like the feeling of adrenaline and the wind in their hair to put a smile on kids faces.
We make award-winning scooters, balance bikes and flikers - with one goal in mind – to unplug kids into the wonder of the world.
UNPLUG INTO THE WONDERFor us, childhood is about imagination, exploration and adventure. Playing in the great outdoors, whether that’s urban, suburban or rural. Your local hood is ripe for adventure and exploring on our wheels.
Yvolution childhood is young, wild and free... come with us
First moments, first steps, first flights, first falls...Our products give your child a sense of freedom and excitement. They will be having so much fun they won’t realize they are actually learning big core skills. Balance, stability, strength, speed and most important of all, confidence.
And you can set them free safe in the knowledge that you have chosen a product that is safe. Our safety standards are our priority, we want to give the best to your child and make sure that our products are growing with them and will follow them in all their adventures for many years.
And remember that one of the most important life lessons they will learn is to - fall. With every new learning comes the risk of failure, but failure is temporary and they learn to try again. Get up and try again. And again.
And you will be there to help them back up after they fall. And that is a lesson that is priceless. #YvolutionFamily