Cake Job Search

Logo of Google.
Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since our founding in 1998, Google has grown by leaps and bounds. From offering search in a single language we now offer dozens of products and services—including various forms of advertising and web applications for all kinds of tasks—in scores of languages. And starting from two computer science students in a university dorm room, we now have thousands of employees and
The employer was active 16 días ago
73F.-1, No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11049, Taiwan
Logo of TSMC 台積電.
Established in 1987, TSMC is the world's first dedicated semiconductor foundry. As the founder and a leader of the Dedicated IC Foundry segment, TSMC has built its reputation by offering advanced and "More-than-Moore"​ wafer production processes and unparalleled manufacturing efficiency. From its inception, TSMC has consistently offered the foundry segment's leading technologies and TSMC COMPATIBLE® design services. TSMC has consistently experienced strong growth by building solid partnerships with its customers, large and small. IC suppliers
The employer was active alrededor de 19 horas ago
Logo of Cathay United Bank 國泰世華商業銀行.
國泰世華銀行於1975年創立,為國泰金控成員之一,目前在臺灣共有 165 家分行。在海外佈局方面,目前於中國、越南、柬埔寨、香港、新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、寮國、緬甸、泰國及印尼,共計有67個據點,海內外合
The employer was active alrededor de 8 horas ago
【數位驅動】數位銀行App/Web Product manager(數數發,DDT)【數位驅動】商業分析師(數數發中心, DDT)【數位驅動】專案/產品管理師(數數發中心, DDT)【海外通路】(外派)資深商業規劃人員 Business Planning Staff【數位驅動】資深客戶經營行銷企劃【風管板塊】企業審查專業人員【風管板塊/專業支援】企業永續專業人員【海外通路】(國際管理部)海外通路管理資深專業人員【國內通路】私銀營運管理規劃專業人員【專業支援】資深策略規劃專業人員【國內通路】私銀客戶關係經理(RM)【資訊板塊】銀行核心系統全端工程師【資訊板塊】全端開發工程師【資訊板塊】系統分析師【資訊板塊】業務分析師【資訊板塊】授信系統全端工程師【資訊板塊】個人金融系統全端工程師(財富管理/信用卡/風控)【資訊板塊】金融市場系統全端工程師【2024年末經驗徵才】Backend Engineer 資深後端工程師-企業金融 Global B2B【資訊板塊】雲端開發工程師【海外通路】(外派)後端工程師 Back-end Engineer (數數發_台中CDC)_I00015358【海外通路】(外派)商業分析師Business Analyst【數位驅動】專案管理師_數據治理/AI治理專業人員 (數數發中心, DDT)【數位驅動】AI技術/應用規劃分析師(數數發中心, DDT)【數位驅動】數位雲技術架構師【數位驅動】數位雲技術研發工程師【數位金融】數位平台–軟體開發工程師C# Engineer(數數發中心,DDT)【產品板塊】信用卡高收益商品行銷分析師【產品板塊】信用卡數位產品/平台規劃PM【2024年末經驗徵才】商業分析師_(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)
Logo of UNIQLO台灣_台灣優衣庫有限公司.
★ 期間限定至9/18 ★ 雇主品牌問卷募集中!填問卷抽好禮 : 快動動手指,簡單3-5分鐘,即有機會獲得UNIQLO暢銷Airism T恤,簡約單品穿出有型自我,輕鬆對抗夏日炎熱挑戰。 ✨ 歡迎追蹤我們的徵
The employer was active alrededor de 9 horas ago
★UNIQLO門市之星計畫★ 學生實習認證、兼職打工、轉正培訓 (第二波收件至9/25)UNIQLO全球儲備菁英【2024 U先培訓營_店鋪實習計畫】(10/2申請截止✨)UNIQLO TAIPEI店_正職門市人員UNIQLO 西門店_正職門市人員UNIQLO 統一時代台北店_正職門市人員UNIQLO ATT 4 FUN信義店_正職門市人員UNIQLO SOGO百貨天母店_正職門市人員UNIQLO Global Mall中和店_正職門市人員UNIQLO 新竹巨城店_正職門市人員☆REOPEN☆UNIQLO 林口三井商場店_正職門市人員UNIQLO 台東秀泰廣場店_正職門市人員UNIQLO 台中崇德路店_正職門市人員UNIQLO 西門店_兼職門市人員UNIQLO 統一時代台北店_兼職門市人員UNIQLO TAIPEI店_兼職門市人員UNIQLO ATT 4 FUN信義店_兼職門市人員【僑外生招募專區】※限在學生UNIQLO台北地區兼職門市人員UNIQLO 秀泰樹林店_兼職門市人員UNIQLO 高雄漢神百貨巨蛋店_兼職門市人員★Sales Pro★正職門市人員招募計畫UNIQLO台南南紡購物中心_正職門市人員UNIQLO 台南南紡購物中心_兼職門市人員UNIQLO 美麗華店_兼職門市人員UNIQLO SKM PARK_兼職門市人員UNIQLO 台北車站館前店_兼職門市人員UNIQLO 新竹巨城店_兼職門市人員UNIQLO★校園之星★開跑囉!收件至09/22有興趣的你千萬別錯過UNIQLO 台中中友百貨店_兼職門市人員☆REOPEN☆UNIQLO桃園台茂購物中心店_正職門市人員UNIQLO-HR(Assistant) Manager/Employer Brand(雇主品牌)
Logo of Amazon Web Services Taiwan (AWS)_台灣亞馬遜網路服務有限公司.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 成立於 2006 年,是全球最全面和廣泛採納的雲端平台,透過資料中心提供超過 200 項功能完整的服務,包含運算、儲存、資料庫、分析、應用與部署等。全球 190 個國家的客戶 —包括成長最快的新創公
The employer was active 25 días ago
Logo of Micron Technology.
Micron is a world leader in innovative memory solutions that transform how the world uses information. For over 45 years, our company has been instrumental to the world’s most significant technology advancements, delivering optimal memory and storage systems for a broad range of applications. We deliver comprehensive customer collaboration, support, and quality throughout the product lifecycle and around the world.
The employer was active alrededor de 13 horas ago
No. 369, Sec. 4, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 421415, Taiwan

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