Cake Job Search

Logo of PT. Niteksindo Multitech Perkasa.
Visi Menjadi perusahaan blasting dan painting yang berkualitas dan mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan. Becoming the qualified in blasting and painting company and prioritizing which fulfill customer satisfaction. Misi Bekerja secara profesional dengan memberdayakan pekerja yang mandiri dan berdedikasi tinggi yang akhirnya dapat mencapai target kualitas, tepat waktu dan keuntungan yang berkelanjutan. Work profesionally by empowering highly independent and dedicated workers who can finally achieve quality, timely and sustainable benefits.
The employer was active más de 1 año ago
JL. Dupak, No. 65, Ruko Mutiara Dupak Blok B No. 19, Asem Rowo, Kec. Asem Rowo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60174
Logo of Housejoy.
Housejoy offers a speedy and efficient one-stop shop for all of your home needs, from construction to maintenance. We make daily living easier by offering a variety of at-home services in 13 Indian locations that are solely delivered by recognised & qualified specialists. The high-quality home services offered by Housejoy include plumbing, electrical, carpentry, appliance repairs, home cleaning, painting, beauty services at home, and interior/renovation/construction services. In addition to Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Pune
The employer was active más de 2 años ago
Housejoy, Sarvaloka Services On Call Pvt Ltd. No. L-371, 5th Main, HSR Layout, Sector 6, Bangalore – 560102
Logo of PT Twin Digital Printing.
PT Twin Digital Printing Perusahaan yang bergerak di dalam bidang percetakan modern atau biasa dikenal sebagai digital printing. Telah berdiri sejak 2013, saat ini memilik lebih dari 100 karyawan dan banyak produk jual yang didominasi oleh produk produk merchandising. Kami memilik visi untuk memodernisasi digital printing agar semua kalangan dapat menggunakan jasa kami.
The employer was active más de 2 años ago
PT Twin Digital Printing
Logo of Fandora Shop.
【Fandora 為專注於新時代 IP 商業價值變現化的公司】 自2013年成立至今,Fandora Shop 與新時代 IP 共同創造多方位的商品化可能性,以粉絲收藏周邊為起點,陸續發展IP經紀與代理,擴展大眾向市場的自有品牌
The employer was active 6 meses ago
Logo of Ackuretta Technologies.
Ackuretta is at the forefront of the 3D printing technology trend: use cases for 3D printing are skyrocketing, growth projections for the industry are higher than ever, and accessible printing material options are surging. We are one of the leaders in the world to apply 3D printing technology to the dental industry worldwide. We make a transition to digital dentistry affordable and accessible for dental clinics and laboratories across the globe. We are headquartered in the Neihu district of Taipei
The employer was active 7 meses ago
Logo of Phrozen.
Phrozen was founded by a group of Taiwanese 3D printing enthusiasts in 2016. We produce professional consumer-friendly 3D printers for industrial application, medical, and personal use. After running successful Kickstarter campaigns, we have now expanded to the U.S., Europe, Japan, and South Korea, and more! Our clients include those in the dental industry, the jewelry industry, and those interested in creating digital models.
The employer was active 6 meses ago
3F., No. 287, Niupu Rd., Xiangshan Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Logo of Jasa Promosi.
Jasa Promosi adalah UMKM yang menyediakan layanan percetakan digital printing dan laser engraving barang-barang promosi seperti botol, tumbler, gantungan kunci, pena, dll. Visi : Menjadi perusahaan besar yang dapat menerima orderan dari lembaga lembaga / instansi besar. Menjadi perusahaan yang memilki penawaran pelayanan dibidang percetakan yang lebih luas dan berkualitas
The employer was active alrededor de 1 año ago
Jelambar Barat 3B No.10, RT.1/RW.5, Jelambar Baru, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
Logo of PT. Satya Liprindo.
Perusahaan manufaktur paper disposal seperti pembuatan cake cases, custom tissue printing, doilies, topi chef, tooth pick dan lain-lain.
The employer was active 4 meses ago
Jl. Daan Mogot KM 19,8 Blok A 8-10, Batuceper-Tangerang
Logo of PT Citra Mandiri Negara.
PT Citra Mandiri Negara atau dikenal dengan Brand adalah perusahaan percetakan offset printing dengan fokus product packaging softbox Fnb dan FMCG. Dengan In house production, kami komitmen memperioritaskan pelayanan dan kualitas.
The employer was active alrededor de 1 año ago
Jl. Kepu Sel. No.50b, Bungur, Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
Logo of 香港商美林凸版製版有限公司台灣分公司.
TOPPAN MERRILL LIMITED隸屬於凸版印刷株式會社TOPPAN PRINTING-全球最大印刷集團之一。 TOPPAN MERRILL作為亞洲領先的財經傳訊公司,亞太區總部設在香港,在紐約、新加坡、北京、深圳、上海及台北均設有辦事處。我們主要業務為金融
The employer was active más de 5 años ago

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