Cake Job Search

Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting Vietnam.
A leading global recruitment consulting firm coming from Taiwan, we have a strong specialized consultant team who can help your company speed up the hiring process with the highest quality candidates and the best cost-effective plan.
The employer was active 1 día ago
IMC Building, 62 Đường Trần Quang Khải, Tan Dinh, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
🔥This is the Cake Recruitment Consulting official web page🔥 Cake Recruitment Consulting - Executive Search, Contracting, EoR/Payroll We offer a full range of services, including Executive Search, Contracting, and EoR/Payroll, to meet all your recruitment needs. Our Special Advantages and Differentiation: Professional Recruiter + Direct Sourcing - All consultants have industry experience. In addition to providing accurate talent search. E.g Identify relevant client’s competitors, and engage in comprehensive talent acquisition, building long-term relationships with candidates, and
The employer was active 24 minutos ago
Hot🔥 – 知名美商半導體產業公司,尋找Software Engineer(C++)✨潛力新創 - SaaS募資平台 Junior Frontend EngineerNEW 新創優質博弈 - Sr. iOS Developer - 優良待遇與福利 - DHHot🔥 知名大型企業 - 系統架構師 - ACAmazing!! Sr. iOS Developer - 知名國際集團 - 跨國合作經驗佳🌐 國際級區塊鏈公司 - Sr. Fullstack Engineer(potential lead) - CH香港新創🇭🇰 Live Chat/Chatbot 商務對話行銷客服系統 ☎ 資深 Java 後端工程師 - SH✨🌟美商全球前10大馬達公司⭐🛞- Motor Engineer - PH🏁新竹知名日商公司 - Electronics Engineer (Digital Stylus) - PH知名區塊鏈交易所 - Fullstack Engineer - CHBlockchain - 知名公司 - Sr. Java 後端工程師 - Fintech台灣產品線進入海外市場 - CHHot ⚡⚡ 疫情專區 即時預訂第一選擇電商品牌 Mid/Sr. 後端工程師 - SH新竹知名日商公司 - Firmware Engineer (TouchPad) - PHHot🔥- Mid-Senior Recruitment Consultant (人才招募顧問)全球領先/全球佈局🚀 - 互聯網服務集團 - 資安工程師Security Engineer - CLThe world's leading terminal edge AI Design House- DV Technical Manager - DC【彈性遠端】🚢 超大型國際物流公司 ✨彈性上下班 - RoR Software Engineer - TC✨知名IPC公司 - Senior EE engineer(地點可選新北, 新竹,台中) - PH年輕🌟積極🌟樂於溝通 - 線上遊戲平台公司 - Sr. Product Manager - AC*英商*🌍高流量💵 業界前三大 (Partial Remote/ 國際化工作環境) - Senior Java Engineer - TL歐洲最大🌍 全球第二大✨ - 法商運動品牌 - IT Security Responsible - CLHot! 優質英商老牌博弈 產品市佔率前三 歐美開放文化、薪優、福利好 - Sr. Android Developer - CL⭐⭐🇸🇬新加坡💫 優質好字號🎯🎮遊戲一線品牌🎰🎲 .NET 後端工程師 (年資不限)🎪🎖 - SH👨‍🎓🧑🏽‍🎓知名線上語言學習平台 X 全球知識經濟創始企業👩🏻‍🎓👨‍🎓 - Android Engineer - CHHHot 🔥 台灣第一家上市直播平台 - iOS SDK Engineer - CHH🌎優質大型跨國物流公司- HR Business Partner HRBP - NC40年快速成長🌟 – IT服務代理上市公司 - 資深資訊安全工程師 - CL🌎Leading AR/VR Company- Sr. HR Business Partner HRBP - NC全程遠端面試 高薪 亞太前20大區塊鏈期貨交易所 前世界羽球球后戴資穎代言X居家健身好夥伴 - 全台最大健身器材業者 - Senior Android Developer - CL
12F., No. 287, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Logo of JAC Recruitment.
We are an international recruitment consultancy dedicated to connecting companies with high-level talent across Asia, the US and Europe. Our approach to business is firmly underpinned by our core values, championing freedom, discipline and fairness in delivering exceptional standards of service to our clients with speed and sincerity.
The employer was active más de 1 año ago
81-83 Hàm Nghi, Nguyen Thai Binh, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Logo of Leading Recruitment Services.
Leading Recruitment Service is a fast-growing recruiting firm specializing in various industries, with a focus on placing high level talent in managerial positions. As we have continued to grow our knowledge base and sharpen our strengths since our founding in 2010, we have been successful in matching top talent with numerous big industry players. For job seekers, we guide them on their career paths, leading them to their next placement that ensures success for both the talent and the
The employer was active alrededor de 10 horas ago
Logo of Isoverse International Recruitment LLC .
About Isoverse International Recruitment We provide top-quality recruitment services driven by the latest recruiting platforms, A.I supported systems and our in-depth knowledge of workflows in each industry. Hiring new employees can be a long and stressful process. Our team helps ease that burden by providing access to exceptional candidates, visa services, and relocation assistance. From education to engineering, we strive to help find the best fit for any opening.
The employer was active más de 1 año ago
6F., No. 378, Changchun Rd., Taipei 10487, Taiwan
Logo of Don Nelson Recruitment Limited.
作不僅僅是招聘,而是要做到最好。 這就是唐尼爾森(Don Nelson) 。 ★ 官網: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don Nelson is an unique, fast growing and awarded recruitment services provider. We connected with hundreds of Multinational and Public Listed companies throughout the Asia Pacific. Our subsidiary, Nelson Solutions, offers a broad range of services to our clients, ranging from mass recruitment projects, secondment & payroll services to Temporary
The employer was active casi 2 años ago
105 臺北市松山區民生東路三段128號5樓之3
Logo of Foreign Professional Talent Recruitment in Taiwan.
discretion of the companies, please read the job description carefully. Please note that our Recruitment Consultant may take up to 14 days to initiate communication after receiving your application. Thank you for your patience in advance. An interview with our Recruitment Consultant will be arranged before the official interview with the company. 【 About Taiwan Gold Card 】 The Taiwan Employment Gold Card is part of the 〈Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professional Talent〉 , implemented in October 2017. It
The employer was active alrededor de 1 hora ago
Sales Account Manager - SLSenior ASIC Engineer (Integration) - SLLeading global cybersecurity company - Security Architect - CHLeading Sporting Goods company- Innovation Leader -JC🍀 全球移動端點 mPOS 的頂級供應商 - Android BSP/AOSP/ROM Engineer - JL🍀 全球移動端點 mPOS 的頂級供應商 - SDK Engineer - JL🍀全球移動端點 mPOS 的頂級供應商 - Sr. FW Engineer - JL🍀全球移動端點 mPOS 的頂級供應商 - System Engineer (WiFi/BT) - JL🔥外商全遠端AI研發新創🔥 - Infra & DevOps Engineer - AY🔥外商全遠端AI研發新創🔥 - Datacenter Operations Lead - AY🔥外商全遠端AI研發新創🔥 - OpenStack Engineer - AY🫦 全球 No.1 行動美妝科技& AR 技術領導品牌 💅 - B2B APP/Web Product Manager - ACSenior ESG and Sustainability Consulting ( Practice Leader to Manager ) - DC🌏 全球下載量破億 AI & AR SaaS 領導品牌 🚀 - APP & Web UI/UX Design Manager - AC💠亞太新創CDN解決方案💠 - Solutions Architect Engineer - AY🔥新創跨平台電商管理系統🔥 - (Sr.) FullStack Engineer - AY🍀全球移動端點 mPOS 的頂級供應商 - Mechanical Manager -JL🍀全球移動端點 mPOS 的頂級供應商 - Mechanical Engineer -JL🐬全遠端對話式AI新創🐬 - Python Backend Engineer - AYAI SaaS Company - Sr. Sales - LT知名外商銀行- Business Analytics Team Lead (SVP/VP) - AI-Driven Data Translator -TL【Remote】Global Leading Cryptocurrency Platform - Senior RoR Engineer - TC【Remote】Global Leading Cryptocurrency Platform – Senior Backend Engineer (Prefer AI Code Generation Tools Experience) – TC[Cake Global Platform] Global Marketing Manager
Logo of 恆富國際有限公司.
HNGF恆富國際有限公司 恆富國際是純軟體開發公司,以年輕化管理、重視員工發展、鼓勵多元的想法、舒適的工作環境…,事業版圖持續發酵中,我們擁有頂尖優秀的團隊,有您的加入,恆富國際會跟您一
The employer was active alrededor de 4 años ago
Logo of Unicorn Tutor AI.
Unlock your Language potential. Speak the world. AI-powered language learning platform offering hyper-personalised lessons, real-time corrections, and deep learning insights to enhance educational outcomes for Academies and Institutions. B2B: English Academies, Language Centers, Cram schools & Universities. We're collaborating with Spain’s largest academy (36K students) and one of the largest ones in Asia. Our platform simplifies homework, customises tasks by level, and tracks progress with detailed metrics. This helps educators tailor lessons, address mistakes, and reward
The employer was active alrededor de 3 horas ago
No. 61, Lane 160, Section 1, Dunhua S Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106
Logo of 黑熊社會企業有限公司.
黑熊學院致力於提升台灣防衛意識為目標,透過講座、課程、知識內容推廣,建立堅不可摧的防衛意志及社會任性,因應日益升高的中國威脅。 戰爭不是少數人的事,民眾的抵抗意志將決定戰爭結果
The employer was active alrededor de 5 horas ago

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