Cake Job Search

Logo of 金諄資訊股份有限公司.
專業、熱忱、穩健 專業: 後端程式 : 主從式、多層式、MVC 網頁開發 : 前後分離、RWD、SASS 伺服器 : IIS、Docker 相關框架等技術使用 熱忱: 持續精進新技術與IS27001等相關新思維 保守與新進兼具 有機會學習各種專案管理、系統
The employer was active 3 meses ago
Logo of 核聚股份有限公司 The Core Group.
市櫃公司|約100家以上企業|10萬名以上使用者 -研發部門- 後端|C#, ASP.Net Core, Entity Framework, Web API / GraphQL 前端|Typescript, Angular9, Webpack, Less / Sass,以及Visual Studio 2019, Git & Git Flow 測試|HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript,如有自動化測試經驗加分 SA |Trello, JIRA,如有開發經驗加分 System Architect | ASP
The employer was active más de 2 años ago
Logo of Saysing Information System Co., Ltd..
士欣資訊管理股份有限公司成立於民國86年5月,二十多年來士欣致力於資安系統整合及網路管理,至今已成為中區業界重要的領導廠商,並成為Intel Security McAfee中區總經銷,目前專注於McAfee® Security Solutions推廣
The employer was active más de 1 año ago
12F.-1, No. 1, Keji Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City 412, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Logo of Sasa.
PT Sasa Inti is a trusted FMCG Food and Seasoning company in Indonesia. Founded by Rodamas in 1968, the name Sasa itself is an abbreviation of "Sari Rasa" which translates as SAri from raSA which has grown to become a market-leading brand for both Local and International markets. Location: Head Office: DKI Jakarta Factories: Cikarang, Gending, Minsel
The employer was active 3 días ago
Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman kav. 32-34 , Jakarta, Jakarta Barat 11480, ID
Logo of Sasin careers.
Sasin” là một thương hiệu Việt Nam trong lĩnh vực ăn uống, hình thành từ đầu năm 2016 với cơ sở đầu tiên ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, sau đó đã và đang mở rộng đến nhiều tỉnh thành khác trong cả nước, như: Hà Nội, Huế, Nha Trang, Bình Dương, Bình Phước, Đồng Nai, Vũng Tàu, Long An, Tiền Giang, Vĩnh Long, Cần Thơ, Đồng Tháp, Kiên Giang v.v… Có thể nói, thương hiệu “Sasin” đã
The employer was active 6 meses ago
172 - 174 Bis Trần Hưng Đạo, P. Nguyễn Cư Trinh, Q.1, Tp.HCM
Logo of Samsara.
Samsara’s (NYSE: IOT) mission is to increase the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the operations that power the global economy. Samsara is pioneering the Connected Operations Cloud, which allows businesses that depend on physical operations to harness IoT (Internet of Things) data to develop actionable business insights and improve their operations. Samsara operates in North America and Europe and serves tens of thousands of customers across a wide range of industries including transportation, wholesale and retail trade, construction, field
The employer was active casi 2 años ago
Logo of 流石Sasugas.
眼的小物件都能堅持細緻品味』 創立於2014年,位於台北,專注進口來自世界各地美好的五金。 銷售產品來自於英國、比利時、義大利、日本..,等國家,品項包含開關、插座、各式五金。 詳細產品請參考:
The employer was active más de 3 años ago
Logo of KABOB | AIoT and Retail SaaS.
Run Shops, Beyond Expectation! KABOB CLOUD started in 2016. KABOB CLOUD's core is to empowers chain brand operations by using AIoT smat Apps to connect with content terminals, store operations, staff management.We offer three major services to cover screens (Lookr Digital Signage) \ music (Voicer BGM Master) \ people (staff management). Manage all-scenario store applications through one platform, and empower chain brand experience and management.
The employer was active 2 días ago
台北市松山區南京東路四段2號 (TTA)
Logo of 財團法人無國界醫生基金會 Médecins Sans Frontières (Taiwan).
▌無國界醫生是一個獨立的國際醫療人道救援組織 Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF),即英文「Doctors without Borders」,中文譯為「無國界醫生」,致力為受武裝衝突、流行病、傳染病和天災影響,以及遭排拒於醫療體系以外的人群提供緊急醫
The employer was active alrededor de 14 horas ago
台灣台北市中山區民權東路三段35號 7號
Logo of 日商再春館製藥所.
The employer was active 10 días ago

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