Cake Job Search

Logo of WORD UP.
【聰明科技,有效學習】 - 用科技幫助全世界的人們有效學習、聰明學習 如果說數位學習是個不斷成長的需求,那數位學習不應只能看影片,或者看老師直播,但缺乏有效的練習及互動機制。WORD UP 致力
The employer was active environ 20 heures ago
Logo of 年豐企業有限公司.
年豐企業有限公司專門為公共圖書館、大學院校圖書館及專業型圖書館服務,提供世界各類型書籍採購、 編目、 加工以及圖書館學校校務系統一條龍服務。 我們的使命是成為亞洲最好的圖書管理
The employer was active 4 mois ago
Logo of 可啡影音娛樂工作室.
我們聚集了穿梭於傳統媒體與 新媒體的影像創作團隊 結合傳統媒體的堅持並揮發 新媒體無拘束的創意 提供適合的需求、完整的製作 與創作者共同完成創意之內容 內容創作者的最佳夥伴
The employer was active plus de 2 ans ago
Logo of 凱絡媒體服務股份有限公司.
「電通」行銷傳播集團,全球網路遍及各地 關於電通(dentsu) 電通行銷傳播集團隸屬於日本電通,在行銷傳播的光譜中,已打破各個垂直服務的界線並橫向串連,提供給客戶從定義生意/行銷課題(Problem Design),到
The employer was active plus de 3 ans ago
Logo of 直覺職掘教育有限公司.
直覺職掘 ,是個致力於 「推廣中學生的多元探索意識」 的教育新創團隊, 希望有一天能讓全台灣的中學生,都在支持他們的環境下,持續探索自己的熱情所在。 【#直覺職掘想解決什麼問題?】 2020年yes123求職網
The employer was active 4 mois ago
Logo of 通展科技工程有限公司.
The employer was active environ 6 ans ago
Logo of 巨星美語學校.
Super Star paints your future.
The employer was active environ 6 ans ago
Logo of 通展科技工程有限公司.
The employer was active environ 6 ans ago
Logo of Co., Ltd..
The word “Kupiter” interpreted Kupiter was established in 2009 in Sydney. the founder has been using [email protected] as his email address since he first moved to Sydney in 1995, naturally it was most convenient to use Kupiter as the company name. However many asked what does “Kupiter” stands for? Here are the answers that have been developed: A. Kupiter is the King size Jupiter B. Kupiter is the Cupid grown up C. Kupiter does Cool Bids Yes we
The employer was active plus de 2 ans ago
No. 5, Section 5th, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Logo of 遊悅科技有限公司.
Creators of Pictoword, Pocket Family, Word Beach with over 250 million downloads across different platforms. Kooapps is an indie gaming studio, focused on mobile game design and development. We trace our beginnings to the 2008 release of Apple’s Software Development Kit (SDK). This led to a developer’s vision of building the first SAT flashcard application for the iPhone. This developer along with two other colleagues, all Stanford University alumnae, pioneered the team which later became Kooapps. Kooapps came
The employer was active environ 14 heures ago
台灣新北市永和區永和路二段57號9 樓

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