Cake Job Search

At MAAS EdTech , we're passionate about empowering students to achieve their academic goals. Founded in 2015 by Ms. Do Mai Anh , our mission is simple: to bridge the gap between students and exceptional writers, no matter where they are in the world. From the moment you connect with MAAS , you'll experience the difference. We take meticulous care at every stage of the process, from initial consultations and dedicated customer service to seamless order processing and rigorous quality control
The employer was active environ 1 mois ago
Lake View 1, 19 To Huu Street, An Khanh Ward , District 2, HCMC
EMG Education is one of the largest private education organizations in Vietnam. Its mission is to provide Vietnam learners across all ages an opportunity and the right preparation to succeed on the global stage. Founded in 2005, EMG Education has always been an innovative trailblazer in Vietnam’s education scene, constantly finding new ways to empower Vietnamese learners by expanding their access to world-class curricular and learning materials, and globally-recognized qualifications.
The employer was active 12 mois ago
19 Vo Van Tan street, Vo Thi Sau ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam
Logo of BigByte Education 大樹國際文化企業.
致力於台灣英語教育,來自世界各地充滿熱忱的教育工作者,打造全美環境幫助孩子與世界接軌。我們的使命是建構一個讓孩子可以盡情學習,展現自己無限創造力的平台。 1994 BigByte 成立,深耕台灣英
The employer was active 3 mois ago
Logo of EQuest Education Group.
EQuest Education Group is founded on 03 core principles, Innovation, Excellence, and Dedication, by a group of educators with background from the best education systems in the world such as the U.S., the U.K., Germary, and Australia. EQuest is currently one of the largest private education institutions in Vietnam with more than 120,000 students enrolled annually in our member schools, including K-12 schools, universities and vocational institutions, foreign language schools, as well as various Edtech platforms
The employer was active plus d’un an ago
Canadian International School, Number 7, Road 23, Phu My Hung, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, HCMC
Logo of LionLion Educational Group.
Lion & Lion has already been spearheading advancements in delivering quality education to its students. Lion & Lion has been one of the pioneers in incorporating teaching techniques used in American schools to greatly enhance our student’s English ability. Lion & Lion was also one of the first pioneers in opening and developing a secondary foreign language program (Spanish) designed for primary school students. From there, Lion & Lion was able to extend the number of programs it offers to include: Children’s
The employer was active plus de 2 ans ago
Taiwán, 台北市南港區研究院路二段12巷1號
Logo of BigByte Education_大樹國際文化企業股份有限公司.
公司簡介 大樹國際文化企業股份有限公司(BigByte Education)其所屬之語言學習機構各分部坐落於大安區-大安森林公園旁,四周環繞有台大、師大、文化城區部等大學校區,目前5所分校中有4所小學部及1
The employer was active presque 6 ans ago
Logo of BigByte Education .
大樹國際文化企業股份有限公司(BigByte Education)由70多名專業的外籍師資以及極富熱忱、愛心的中籍行政管理人員,組成一支追求卓越、訓練精良且年輕活躍的精銳教學團隊。為了能珍惜更多的學員、家長
The employer was active presque 6 ans ago
Logo of PT Ulive Education Center.
PT. ULIVE EDUCATION CENTER (U-LIVE ACADEMY). adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Edukasi dan Coaching bagi para Pebisnis dan Investor. U-LIVE ACADEMY akan mendidik Calon Pebisnis dan Investor dalam membangun dan mengembangkan Bisnis dan Investasi mereka, sehingga mampu meningkatkan Omset dan Profit Investasi mereka.Dengan Misi untuk "Membantu menyelesaikan masalah pengusaha & Investor dengan berorientasi kepada hasil & solusi terpercaya". U-LIVE ACADEMY berkomitmen memberikan pelayanan dan service terbaik kepada para pelanggan dengan selalu memberikan nilai, inspirasi dan edukasi
The employer was active 8 mois ago
Pakuwon Tower Floor 18 - 07 - TP6, Kedungdoro, Tegalsari, Surabaya, East Java 60261
Logo of Central International Education.
Central International Education (CIE) is the official information and registration center for overseas study. CIE was established in 2007 and currently has partnerships with universities in 21 countries, including the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Dublin, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Indonesia. The CIE education consultant team will always provide the best service to all students in Indonesia who wish to continue their studies abroad. We listen and
The employer was active plus d’un an ago
Paskal Hyper Square, Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.23, Arjuna, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Logo of American School Districts Education Association.
The American School Districts Education Association (ASDEA) is a collaboration of 28 school districts from five states, namely, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas and Connecticut. It is dedicated to the exchange and cooperation of international education between member schools and schools from outside the United States. Initially, Wisconsin School District Alliance led by the Wisconsin Public School Districts and the University of Wisconsin, which has started its collaborations with government partners and schools in building with sister-relationships and establishing international
The employer was active 12 mois ago
TPV Building,ShangHai

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