Cake Job Search

Logo of 新加坡商鈦坦科技.
鈦坦科技,是一間總部位於新加坡的軟體開發公司,提供線上軟體平台客製開發與維護, 以及代理 Atlassian 旗下產品 Jira Software & Confluence、線上視覺化白板 Miro ,以自身實際使用經驗提供一站式導入服務。 身處快速變動
The employer was active environ 23 heures ago
台北市南港區台北市南港區園區街 3 之 1 號 11 樓之 1(南港軟體園區 G 棟)
Logo of Slash studio 斜作.
About Slash studio Slash Studio 是一個以設計思考與系統思考為核心,非典型的循環設計團隊。運用多元的背景、觀點和專業領域組合,組成解決陌生問題專案的工作小組,包括設計師(使用者研究、空間、產品)、環境工程
The employer was active 2 mois ago
Logo of 現場再設計股份有限公司 Relanding Design.
Relanding Design 現場再設計股份有限公司成立於 2021年4月,以 議題公關行銷 為主力,與企業合作推動社會責任、也與公部門合作推廣政策。
The employer was active environ 18 heures ago
Logo of Micron Technology.
Micron is a world leader in innovative memory solutions that transform how the world uses information. For over 45 years, our company has been instrumental to the world’s most significant technology advancements, delivering optimal memory and storage systems for a broad range of applications. We deliver comprehensive customer collaboration, support, and quality throughout the product lifecycle and around the world.
The employer was active environ 14 heures ago
No. 369, Sec. 4, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City 421415, Taiwan
Logo of Mirai Network Co.,LTD..
Mirai Network設籍於台北、東京的網站開發專案公司轉型為開發自家SaaS產品的新創公司,目前我們準備重新出發,全力招募有創意的您,有別於市場對金融科技的刻板印象,我們希望組建具有創意及有趣
The employer was active 7 jours ago
台北市中正區濟南路一段321號 (台北商業大學 新創育成中心)
Logo of Mirae Asset Finance Company (Vietnam).
Recognizing Vietnam's impressive economic development, Mirae Asset Financial Group made its first step in Vietnam in 2006 by launching representative office of Mirae Asset MAPS Asset Management and by successfully establishing Mirae Asset Securities Vietnam joint venture in December 2007. We went a step further and finally won permit from State Bank of Vietnam to open local finance company in November 2010. And after a year of preparation, we have finally inaugurated Mirae Asset Finance Company, which will provide
The employer was active environ 1 an ago
Mekong Building, 91 Pasteur, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam
Logo of MiPower by Sequis.
MiPOWER by Sequis was launched in 2019. MiPOWER is the latest business unit under PT Asuransi Jiwa Sequis Life, one of the leading insurance companies in Indonesia which has been operating since 1984. MiPower by Sequis is a community that focuses on helping Gen Z and Millennials across Indonesia to have a better awareness about financial planning and protection. Through a customized programs designed in accordance with the needs of Gen Z and Millennials, including in-depth exploration to the
The employer was active environ 1 an ago
Sequis Center, Sudirman
Logo of MyRobin.
Modern, Tech-Enabled Jasa Outsourcing & BPO Indonesia. MyRobin perusahaan jasa outsourcing penyalur tenaga kerja on-demand dalam waktu 24 jam. Kami menyediakan tenaga kerja fleksibel, berpengalaman, dan terpercaya.
The employer was active plus d’un an ago
DBS Bank Tower 28/F, Ciputra World One Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3 – 5, Jakarta 12940
Logo of Migo Indonesia.
Migo adalah platform digital yang menyediakan berbagai konten dari internet secara offline. Migo didirikan oleh Barret Comiskey, seorang penemu teknologi Kindle, untuk memberikan akses, memberikan pengalaman digital yang merata bagi semua rakyat Indonesia dengan memberikan konten hiburan dan pendidikan yang inovatif. Migo diluncurkan di Indonesia pada tahun 2020 dan saat ini tersebar di sekitar 1.400 lokasi di seputaran Jabodetabek, Serang, Karawang, dan Cirebon. Pada bulan September 2021, MNC Group berinvestasi sebesar USD 40 juta di Migo untuk mendukung ekspansi
The employer was active environ 2 ans ago
Jl. KH Abdullah Syafei, RT.12/RW.9, Bukit Duri, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia
Logo of Miracle AI Inc..
ABOUT OUR MIRACLES "Focusing on Innovative, Efficient & Customized Solutions" is the foundation of Miracle AI's culture. We are always excited about producing reliable, sustainable, and exciting results with all our valuable clients. Everyone in our company works hard to provide top-quality project deliverables for our clients and to enable their optimization of new technology. We believe new sources of power and tech are the future of the world.
The employer was active environ 2 ans ago
6F-3, No 80 Nanjing West Rd, Datong Dist, Taipei City 103

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