Cake Job Search

Logo of CloudMile 萬里雲.
machine learning and big data analysis, CloudMile assists over 400 clients corporates with business forecasts and industrial upgrades. CloudMile has earned 120+ accreditations, with 60+ Google Cloud professional certifications. Being the Premier Partner of Google Cloud, CloudMile is qualified for Machine Learning Specialization, Data Analytics Specialization, Cloud Migration Specialization and Infrastructure Specialization in North Asia. In 2020, CloudMile becomes Taiwan’s first Google Cloud Managed Service Provider (MSP). 關於 CloudMile CloudMile 為亞洲領先的人工
The employer was active environ 1 mois ago
Logo of PicCollage 拼貼趣.
屬迷因 (MemeMe)、同時線上多組討論視訊軟體 (MixerChat) 等。再戰創意領域 app 的下一個產品里程碑! 我們相信: Always be Learning - 除了發放學習補助金之外,我們也會特別安排時間讓團隊學習不同事物,可以正面的回饋在個
The employer was active environ 20 heures ago
Logo of 美商Answer.AI 台灣分公司.
aid to tutoring and AP test prep. Our goal is to empower students to achieve more in their coursework and careers, faster and with less financial burden. Recognized by GSV Ventures as one of the world's 50 most innovative learning startups in 2024, Answer.AI is backed by top investors including Altos Ventures and Goodwater Capital. Answer.AI 是一個領先的人工智慧平台,專注於提升學生的學
The employer was active environ 7 heures ago
Logo of 思考者咖啡.
思考者咖啡有限公司(Thinker Café Co., Ltd.)是一家專注於結合人工智慧(AI)技術與創新空間的新創企業。我們的核心使命是打造一個不僅提供工作與學習空間,更能讓每位成員以智慧工具驅動生產力與創
The employer was active environ 9 heures ago
Logo of 聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data.
The employer was active environ 16 heures ago
Logo of 動見科技 OmniEyes.
OmniEyes was funded by a leading private VC and Taiwan National Development Fund in 2019, specializing in innovative solutions using mobility, AI, and connectivity. The OmniEyes team was formed by three National Taiwan University professors through the Taiwan Reputed Universities to Unicorns Program (TRUST-U) in 2017 and is now growing to a competitive start-up with top AI and software talents, along with professional business development and management staff. If empty backseats can create billions of dollars of value
The employer was active environ 13 heures ago
Logo of 唄粉智能科技股份有限公司.
唄粉智能科技是一家專注於社群資產管理的創新型科技公司,致力於為全球KOL、企業和個人提供一站式的社群粉絲備份與管理、活用解決方案。 我們擁有一支經驗豐富、技術過硬的專業團隊,為您
The employer was active environ 14 heures ago
Logo of Aiello Inc. 犀動智能.
Company Snapshot: Welcome to Aiello Inc.! 🚀 At Aiello Inc., we're not just another tech startup – we're a dynamic force in the world of technology, pioneering the future of conversational AI voice services. Powered by cutting-edge machine learning (ML) models designed for natural language understanding (NLU), our offerings span from Omni-channel customer communication integration to adaptable and continuously optimized commercial NLU modules. We convert unstructured enterprise data into structured brilliance, assist in building business data analysis
The employer was active environ 14 heures ago
Logo of Kronos Research 麒方科技.
Kronos Research 麒方科技(原麒點科技)是一家專注於高頻交易的量化公司,結合人工智慧、機器學習和高速網路等先進技術,透過進階的資料分析開發出獨家的量化交易預測模型,並使用全自動的交易策略
The employer was active 23 jours ago
Logo of 大數軟體有限公司 - LargitData.
大數軟體有限公司(簡稱 LargitData -是一家專注於輿情分析商機的AI科技公司,致力於成為提供客戶快速、精準輿情分析服務的先驅。我們的創辦人具有豐富的大數據與人工智慧分析經驗,透過
The employer was active 5 jours ago
台北市中山區玉門街1 號 台北創新中心 E 室

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