Cake Job Search

Logo of DATA THINK 數位思維整合行銷.
成立於 2015 年 , 提供整合型行銷服務,高度的自製率以及靈活思維是我們的特色和優勢 團隊襄括各領域專業人才,可滿足客戶多角度行銷與保密需求,從創意發想、企劃執行、軟硬體發包等複合需要
Perusahaan aktif 2 bulan yang lalu
Logo of NCCU Data Analytics Club 政大數據分析社.
政大數據分析社致力於匯聚對數據分析充滿熱忱與決心的學習者,將 NCCU DA 打造成為一個跨屆合作與共同成長的數據分析共學平台。在這裡社員們能透過相互交流、分享數據分析知識,以及在專
Perusahaan aktif 5 hari yang lalu
Logo of Greenbox Data Center.
Greenbox Data Center adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT
Perusahaan aktif 3 hari yang lalu
Logo of NTU Data Analytics Club 臺大資料分析與決策社.
NTU DAC - Empowering people for the dynamic data era. NTU DAC 成立於 2019 年,為臺灣大學第一個與資料分析直接相關的社團,旨在培養社員們善用資料分析的能力與思維解決商業上的問題,我們同時注重 「資料科學」 與 「商業思維」 。目的
Perusahaan aktif 2 hari yang lalu
Logo of MoMAGIC Data Intelligence.
MoMAGIC is one of the Asia's leading Big Data and AI based mobile advertising company. It offers a Deep Insight based targeting to get better optimized Reach and Value. MoMAGIC Technologies Pvt. Ltd., founded in the year 2011, is a fast-paced, innovative,Data Science driven mobile tech organization, with dominance in South East Asia market. With more than 70+ data intelligence, AI & Marketing experts in Asia, MoMAGIC Technologies is one of the leading Indian companies in the Digital
Perusahaan aktif lebih dari 4 tahun yang lalu
Logo of Oakda Data Technology.
Oakda 是一支以 AI 為核心,透過 Chatbot 和 Voice Assistant 為台灣產業開發智慧服務的團隊。 進入 App 精簡化的時代,我們裝的 App 越來越少,相對地更依賴通訊軟體。尤其 LINE 在台灣有高普及率,我們擅長設計 Chatbot 來提升用戶
Perusahaan aktif hampir 6 tahun yang lalu
Logo of Cosmic Topology Data.
mainstream in the past few years, we have created more digital information than ever before. The staggering amount of data that we have accumulated on hand may become difficult to process. At Cosmic Topology, we can help you solve your data problems! For Cosmic Topology Data Ltd., we help to set up a remote data team more easily for you to do it in Taiwan. We are the guys that familiar with the full stake of data that may help
Perusahaan aktif 5 bulan yang lalu
Logo of Telus International AI Data Solutions.
TELUS International AI Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for
Perusahaan aktif 12 bulan yang lalu
2251 South Decatur Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV, USA
PT. Jaringan Komunikasi Lintas Data (JKLD) was established in April 2017 but officially began operating in 2019 after obtaining a license to provide telecommunications services in 2019. JKLD is domiciled in Jakarta. As a telecommunications network provider, JKLD has an integrated telecommunications network throughout the island of Java.
Perusahaan aktif 8 bulan yang lalu
GEDUNG CYBER I lt.11, Jl. Kuningan Barat No.8
Logo of 聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data.
圖資系統。未來結合過去亞太區零售諮詢經驗,以亞洲第一大之零售數據諮詢公司為願景。 Ret[AI]ling Data Enterprise, which focuses on the integration of consumer experience and artificial intelligence(A.I.) in Taiwan. Providing the best O2O (online to offline) expansion consultation in retail industry, positioning the expansion ability to urban entity storefronts, moreover, providing the
Perusahaan aktif 3 hari yang lalu

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