Cake Job Search

Logo of TransBiz國際品牌行銷顧問_睿博數位行銷有限公司.
TRANSBIZ是一個怎麼樣的企業? 與一群征戰世界的創業者,透過不斷升級轉型活下去;創造 100 家百年企業,貢獻100億出口總額 TransBiz 是一家品牌顧問與代運營公司,自 2015 年協助超過 300 間台灣中小企業實現升
The employer was active 5개월 ago
21樓, No. 77號, Bo'ai Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100
Logo of 馬來西亞商思想科技有限公司台灣分公司.
公司簡介 思想科技 (Master Concept) 代理 Google Cloud 全系列產品,包括:Google Maps Platform(GMP)、Google Cloud Platform(GCP)、G Suite(企業版Gmail)、Google Cloud Search (GCS)。連續多年獲頒「Google 日本暨亞太區白金級(Premier)合作夥伴」。自 2010 年起,思想科技協助英業達集團、中華工程、中
The employer was active 약 2개월 ago
7F., No.45, Sec. 1, Minquan E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist.,
Logo of Soundwave Hearing, LLC.
Soundwave Hearing is an American medical device company based in Chicago, Illinois that develops hearing aids and hearing health apps that allow anyone to monitor their hearing health and customize their hearing aids at home using a smartphone or tablet app. Hearing loss is the 3rd most common health problem in the United States and we strongly believe our technology increases the access to high quality hearing healthcare at an affordable price.
The employer was active 9개월 ago
619 Enterprise Dr suite 205, Oak Brook, IL, USA
Logo of Cloud Ace 雲一有限公司.
的視野、有如Google自由的環境,並能為台灣企業提供在地化的服務。 專業認證部分,我們擁有超過300項Google認證,連續3年榮獲 Google Cloud Partners Award , 並在2017年取得Google Cloud的Premier Partner認證。 我們提供Google Cloud Platform(GCP)的導入、設計、維
The employer was active 10개월 ago
Logo of Mlytics.
Founded in 2017, mlytics is a startup aiming to build a more reliable, faster, and safer internet world with options and transparency. With our rapid growth speed we now reached an employee number of more than 60 and we are still expanding ! mlytics is a diverse team of experts with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences who are not afraid to ask tough questions. You could help build our platform with the brightest people, discuss the design with the
The employer was active 6개월 ago
Logo of 丞相帶風象行銷有限公司.
值得你認識的台灣科技新創公司 我們是一群團隊年齡平均25的年輕人,團隊成員背景豐富,從網路行銷起家的我們,橫向擴大公司服務到不動產產業,縱向驅動服務串連大學營隊產業。在成立不
The employer was active 3개월 ago
Logo of 社團法人台灣健康智能醫療科技發展學會.
The employer was active 1년 이상 ago
Logo of 脈動心聯.
我們是資訊業裡深耕「電腦系統整合」與「數位應用整合」 囊括短期活動、AI策展、數位策展或AI門市及智慧門市設計與數據行銷規劃 【主要項目】 以場域、商圈、個別店家為中心,提供各種資訊整合、數據整
The employer was active 2년 이상 ago
Logo of 八五二零有限公司.
我們的使命: 在當代數位行銷浪潮中,我們致力於成為企業信譽與品牌形象的守護者。通過創新的策略與科技,包括數位整合行銷,我們幫助客戶塑造積極的公眾形象,推動品牌成長與發展。 我們的
The employer was active 3개월 ago
Logo of 一門有限公司.
1011工作室是由香港人所新設立,創辦人在香港有多年廣告行銷的經驗,本著創意不止一個形狀的信念, 協助客戶創造營收以及建立最佳的品牌形象,辦理廣告及促銷之整體規劃業務。創辦人亦深
The employer was active 8일 ago

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