Cake Job Search

Logo of HSBC.
■ 全球滙豐 滙豐是全球最大的銀行及金融服務機構之一。我們透過四大環球業務向超過 4,000 萬名客戶提供服務,業務包括:個人金融暨財富管理(含環球私人銀行)、企業金融業務、環球銀行及資本
The employer was active 약 15시간 ago
Logo of MamiBuy 媽咪拜.
[ 關於MamiBuy ] 台灣百大網站,台灣最多媽咪分享的親子網站,隸屬於亞洲親子集團 Asia Parents Holdings 全資子公司,台灣每二個媽咪就有一個是MamiBuy的會員。 台灣親子領導品牌網站,提供親子媒體內容、社群與購物三
The employer was active 5일 ago
新北市板橋區文化路二段291號31樓 (HSBC昇陽立都大樓)
Logo of Medals Award.
Medals Award Provide gift customization. From gift design to development, procurement, production, quality testing, logistics and related souvenir business. The gift business has won multiple awards and certifications in Taiwan. It has also won awards in Hong Kong including Caring Business, Family-Friendly Employers, Environmental Excellence Program, HSBC Business New Power, Hong Kong Intelligent Gift Design Awards and other recognitions. It has its own testing center. So far, we have served more than a thousand companies, customizing souvenirs and gifts
The employer was active 9일 ago
Jakarta, Indonesia
Logo of Clevai Edtech Group.
with over 20 speakers: tech leaders from VinAI, Earable, Ohmnibot, etc., and scholars from Harvard, Oxford, etc., several of whom are serving as the company’s advisors. Clevai received investment from Altara Ventures, FEBE Ventures, and FJ Labs and was listed as one of the "Emerging Giants in Asia-Pacific 2022" by HSBC and KPMG. It plans to expand into South East Asia and secure a place among the Top 5 online education ecosystems in the region within 5 years.
The employer was active 23일 ago
Tầng 12, Tòa nhà Mipec, 229 P. Tây Sơn, Ngã Tư Sở, Đống Đa, Hà Nội Hanoi, Vietnam 100000
Logo of 胡桃宇宙股份有限公司.
最新上線揪團APP-- APP情境說明影片-- 結合多位資深開發、設計人員,以行動應用平台為產品起點,為客戶專案開發各式服務網站及各系統平台的應用系統,同時開發消費者服
The employer was active 거의 2년 ago
Logo of 香港商專顧資本(亞洲)有限公司.
專顧資本(“Institutional Capital Advisory”,簡稱“ICA”)是一個領先的一站式資本市場企業與投資者解決方案平臺。通過科技與資訊驅動的方法,我們與企業合作,助其加速在資本市場的發展,創造可持續的股東價值。我們同時
The employer was active 2년 이상 ago
Logo of 海納百川區塊鏈投資諮詢有限公司.
海納百川區塊鏈投資諮詢有限公司成立於2018年3月,總部位於瑞士,擁有全球最龐大、最專業的金融、法律、傳媒及區塊鏈技術人才團隊。 公司以前瞻性的營運理念、突破性的營運模式、頂層性的資訊
The employer was active 약 6년 ago
Logo of 台北市議會 許家蓓議員服務處.
【團隊簡介】 我們從2014年迄今,持續辦理民眾服務、優化市政建設。 我們是年輕的團隊,也尊重團隊裡每一位成員的聲音及想法。 每一位成員,都是我們重要的家人。歡迎對於服務、市政有熱忱的朋友加
The employer was active 8개월 ago
Logo of Công ty Cổ phần Chứng khoán Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
Công ty Cổ phần Chứng khoán Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (HSC) là công ty môi giới chứng khoán và cổ phiếu chuyên nghiệp hàng đầu và từng đoạt giải thưởng tại Việt Nam. HSC cung cấp đầy đủ các dịch vụ và sản phẩm tài chính cho khách hàng cá nhân và tổ chức, cung cấp dịch vụ tư vấn đầu tư chuyên nghiệp được hỗ trợ bởi nghiên cứu vững chắc, đáng tin cậy và từng đoạt giải
The employer was active 약 1개월 ago
Tầng 2, 5, 6, 7, 11 và 12 Tòa nhà AB, 76A Lê Lai, Quận 1, TP. HCM
Logo of 台灣國際造船股份有限公司.
台灣國際造船股份有限公司(CSBC CORPORATION, TAIWAN)-台船, 誠摯歡迎您的加入 ● CSBC設立於1973年11月7日,為台灣最大的造船公司,總部位於高雄,在基隆和高雄設有2個造船廠, 並設立台北辦公室就近服務客戶與
The employer was active 약 1개월 ago

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