Cake Job Search

Logo of Syncopate Innovations Co Ltd..
Syncopate Innovations are a sister firm of Soundmouse (UK). We work on the world leading Audio Recognition platform for broadcasts and content providers around the world, ensuring that Composers and Artists get paid for the music they create. Our team is multi-national, and we have experts in Machine Learning, Signal Processing and Infrastructure design. We're hiring!
The employer was active 2개월 ago
Futureward Central
Logo of Rainmaking Innovation Taiwan 盛宇創新股份有限公司 .
Rainmaking Innovation 為國際企業創新與策略發展領導品牌,總部設於英國倫敦,專注 10 大垂直產業之創新發展,擁有完整的創新培育體系及豐富多元的國際企業、投資人、產業專家等資源,以釋放創新事業快速擴
The employer was active 거의 2년 ago
Logo of Rolo Innovation Inc..
Rolo is an international startup headquartered in Taipei. We have partnered with BlackBerry to develop a work focus communication app with end-to-end encrypted messages, group calls and file transfers. Something special about us? We have a gender parity of members and have as many foreigners as Taiwanese members. We welcome diversities of culture, gender and mindset. Are you looking for a challenging environment where your voice and comments have an impact on the product development? Get in contact
The employer was active 거의 4년 ago
Logo of China Innovation Investment LTD..
China Innovation Investment Limited (Stock Code: 1217) was incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability on 7th February 2002, and listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Stock Exchange) on 28 August 2002. The Company is an investment holding company under Chapter 21 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Listing Rules). Its principal investment objective is to
The employer was active 약 6년 ago
Logo of Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation .
The Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation (CAPRI) was established in 2022 to conduct interdisciplinary, comparative research on innovative practices in policy and governance that can strengthen societal resilience in the Asia Pacific. CAPRI is based both in Taipei and at the Miller Center of Public Affairs of the University of Virginia. As a nongovernmental, nonpartisan, international organization, CAPRI’s current work focuses on identifying and meeting challenges to resilience at the intersection of health, economic growth, and environmental
The employer was active 약 2년 ago
No. 2 Sec. 3 Chongqing South Rd. Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan
Logo of 點石創新股份有限公司 Intowow Innovation.
Intowow 由Yahoo奇摩前董事總經理陳建銘、連續創業家邱建華、技術長李盈璁共同創辦,是一家鎖定全球市場的Ad Tech新創公司,於2017年由AppWorks領投,獲得500萬美金A輪融資。 全球數位廣告交易於2020年有超過75
The employer was active 약 4시간 ago
Logo of Harvest Ariake Indonesia, PT.
PT Harvest Ariake Indonesia merupakan perusahaan manufaktur di Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Cikarang - Bekasi, yang bergerak dibidang Bio Industry untuk produk Aquaculture dan Bio-Pestisida di bawah lisensi Kyushu Medical Co.,Ltd - Jepang.
The employer was active 1년 이상 ago
Jababeka Innovation Center, Jl. Samsung I Blok B2B, Mekarmukti, Cikarang Utara, Kab. Bekasi
Logo of Voi Bac.
Chất liệu vỏ ngoài: được làm bằng da thật Đế giày : Nhựa PVC chống dầu, trơn trượt Mũi giày: thép bảo vệ ngón chân, chống dập ngón Miếng lót chống đinh: thép chống đinh và đâm xuyên E.V.A Sản phẩm có những tính năng vượt trội giúp bảo vệ sự an toàn cho đôi chân của người sử dụng. Thiết kế cổ thấp thoải mái và dễ dàng di chuyển. Ngoài khả năng chống đinh, chịu được sự
The employer was active 1년 이상 ago
Logo of IOH 開放個人經驗平台.
IOH 開放個人經驗平台(Innovation Open House),以影音與文字的方式提供海內外求學、求職、工作與創業經驗免費第一手經驗分享,至今累積有 1050 支以上的海內外經驗分享講座,涵蓋超過 200 所學校、超過 300 個不同領
The employer was active 3개월 ago
台北市文山區羅斯福路五段 150 巷
Logo of STARBIT 思偉達創新科技.
STARBIT Innovation, a pioneer company focus on blockchain service and Metaverse application. In 2018, STARBIT took the lead in launching the first decentralized exchange 「STARBIT EX」in Asia. Later, we launched third-party wallet, and develop NFT platform「Jcard」. In July 2019, STARBIT received investment and support from the National Development Fund. This proves STARBIT has the potential to bloom in the blockchain industry. 2021/June, STARBIT cooperated with ASUS to construct the 1st generation of blockchain infrastructure for Taiwan
The employer was active 9개월 ago

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