Cake Job Search

Logo of 1111獵才顧問中心Executive Recruiting Consultancy Dept..
1111人力銀行高階獵才,因應國際化人才的迅速增加,及高端專業人才的需求,具長年專注在各領域的豐富經驗。 提供更多高端專業人才,目前已連結近百家獵頭夥伴,結合系統化之高階人才資料庫
The employer was active 약 7시간 ago
Logo of Qisda 佳世達科技.
喇叭、上網精靈、消費性雲端產品、專利螢幕掛燈及精品LED燈飾等。 | JOIN US | 佳世達人才招募網: Qisda 佳世達科技 BenQ 明基電通 歡迎到粉專更進一步認識
The employer was active 약 3년 ago
電競顯示器軟韌體工程師【資訊產品事業群】(新竹/桃園)電子工程師【資訊產品事業群】(桃園) 機構工程師【資訊產品事業群】(桃園) 專業顯示器電子工程師【2024菁英成佳專案】專業顯示器電子工程師【資訊科技事業群】(桃園)財務專員【財務管理中心】(桃園)ODM 車用業務與專案管理專員【商業暨工業用事業群】(桃園)硬體研發工程師【商業暨工業用事業群】(桃園)國外業務人員【商業暨工業用事業群】(桃園)設備助理工程師【醫療事業群】(桃園)PE工程師【製造總部】(桃園)品質管理工程師【製造總部】(桃園)稽核專員 【稽核】(桃園)電子工程師【商業暨工業用事業群】(桃園)IE助理工程師【製造總部】(桃園)資安技術工程師【資訊技術服務處】(台北)資訊安全專案助理【資訊技術服務處】(實習生)◎實習工讀生 材料/化工/生醫 實驗室-分析助理【品質管理中心】(桃園)光學量測工程師【品質管理中心】(桃園)電子工程師【資訊科技事業群】(桃園)IE工程師【製造總部】(桃園)品管/檢驗人員【製造總部】(桃園)IQC 技術員【製造總部】(桃園)系統規劃專員【供應鏈管理】(桃園)國外業務人員【車用電子事業部】(桃園)電源工程師【資訊科技事業群】(桃園)製造工程師【醫療事業群】(桃園)技術文編 (Technical Writer)【品質管理中心】(台北)生產作業員 (洗腎醫療器材)替代役研發工程師【113年度研發替代役】
Logo of 珍婚啟事婚禮顧問(珍婚啟事顧問有限公司). 大家好,我們是 JenWed 珍婚啟事婚禮顧問。 雖然是小規模經營,但隨著場次愈來愈多,以及更多的戶外婚禮業務,我們決定要來徵求新正職夥伴! 以下詳細列出 工作內容 、 薪資待遇 ,與 我們期待
The employer was active 7개월 ago
Logo of Mactan.
We Are Saudi Consulting Company, Recruiting employees to Saudi Arabia. we have large number of clients and expert staff in this field.
The employer was active 3개월 ago
Logo of Symposia Group.
Startup incubator in Singapore and Taiwan. Currently recruiting developers in Taiwan for the Moxa Acupressure App
The employer was active 약 1년 ago
101 Upper Cross Street, #05 16, Singapore
Logo of Leading Recruitment Services.
Leading Recruitment Service is a fast-growing recruiting firm specializing in various industries, with a focus on placing high level talent in managerial positions. As we have continued to grow our knowledge base and sharpen our strengths since our founding in 2010, we have been successful in matching top talent with numerous big industry players. For job seekers, we guide them on their career paths, leading them to their next placement that ensures success for both the talent and the
The employer was active 약 7시간 ago
Logo of Bitmark Inc..
Please visit our website to get latest recruiting information:
The employer was active 2년 이상 ago
Logo of Augusta Aiken & Associates.
Augusta Aiken & Associates (AAAGlobal) is a top-notch recruitment firm specialising in recruiting top-tier talent for Quantitative Finance, Fintech, and Technology sectors across the globe. Our values—outstanding service, honest communication, and unwavering loyalty—shape every aspect of our work. Whether you're poised for your next career move or seeking to fortify your team, we ensure you spend your time connecting with the right people rather than searching for them. Let's "Connect with Purpose," we are dedicated
The employer was active 약 2개월 ago
Logo of Isoverse International Recruitment LLC .
About Isoverse International Recruitment We provide top-quality recruitment services driven by the latest recruiting platforms, A.I supported systems and our in-depth knowledge of workflows in each industry. Hiring new employees can be a long and stressful process. Our team helps ease that burden by providing access to exceptional candidates, visa services, and relocation assistance. From education to engineering, we strive to help find the best fit for any opening.
The employer was active 1년 이상 ago
6F., No. 378, Changchun Rd., Taipei 10487, Taiwan
Logo of Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation.
What we do Global recruitment support and education “Connect Job, Connect Job Class” SaaS type direct recruiting service "Connect Job WORKERS" Research on worldwide immigration and policy proposal / public projects "Next Generation Foreign Talent Research Institute" Sales and management of programming test for IT engineers "Codility" Other related businesses using our HR database (Global marketing, research, study abroad business, etc.)
The employer was active 2년 이상 ago
WeWork Kojimachi, Bancho Kojimachi Building 5F 6-6-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0083, Japan

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