Cake Job Search

Logo of Ryzo.
We provide cool gadgets to enterprises like banks and telecom companies to improve their mobile marketing procedures and shorten the distance between them and their customers.
The employer was active 6년 이상 ago
Logo of 伊原力科技股份有限公司.
伊原力科技為 前台辦公室整合專家 以數據為核心,協助企業透過 Salesforce 技術驅動內部數據,打造專屬的前端辦公室,跨多種渠道整合 CRM 數據、自動化客戶旅程、精準行銷互動、提案和業務發展、Slack 自動化
The employer was active 19일 ago
臺北市內湖區瑞光路 335 號 6 樓
Logo of Công ty Cổ phần Công nghệ UPP Toàn Cầu.
UPP Global Technology is a Data Analytics and IT solutions company providing such services as Advanced Data Analytics, Blockchain Development, Mobile App and Software Development and Maintenance as well as Salesforce Consultant and Engineering. We believe that with many years of experience in the field of outsourcing and passion for technology, UPP team could help customers optimize their business and operation.
The employer was active 1년 이상 ago
219 Phố Trung Kính, Yên Hoà, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Logo of UI Limited 優比快股份有限公司.
Ubiquiti, Inc. currently focuses on 3 main technologies: high-capacity distributed Internet access, unified information technology, and next-gen consumer electronics for home and personal use. The majority of the company’s resources consist of entrepreneurial and de-centralized R&D teams. Ubiquiti does not employ a traditional direct sales force, but instead drives brand awareness largely through the company’s user community where customers can interface directly with R&D, marketing, and support. With over 70 million devices shipped
The employer was active 5개월 ago
Logo of 迪梯西數位科技有限公司.
DTC數位科技公司致力於幫助企業數位轉型,提供專業數位轉型顧問諮詢服務,協助企業導入雲端CRM系統。 我們服務項目包含 Salesforce 規劃與導入、雲服務規劃與整合、自有產品研發CDP平台與Marketing Automation產品導
The employer was active 9개월 ago
台灣台北市松山區南京東路三段275號9 樓
Logo of HENNGE Taiwan 台灣惠頂益股份有限公司.
HENNGE 是日本雲端資安業界的領導者,1996 年成立,2019 年於東京證交所上市。秉持著 Liberation of Technology 的理念,提供雲端資安 SaaS 服務「HENNGE One」,讓企業能安全安心地運用 Microsoft 365、Google Workspace、Salesforce 等雲端科技,靈活地面對未來的變化與
The employer was active 약 9시간 ago
110-502 台北市信義區基隆路二段 51 號 14 樓
ABOUT SMARTOSC Established in 2006, SmartOSC is a premium, full-service e-commerce agency. We offer simple yet effective solutions, from consulting, website development, UX/UI design to managed services. With a variety of large customers in North America, Asia, ANZ and Europe, SmartOSC’s technical and business expertise is built around selected platforms including Adobe Commerce (Magento), Sitecore, BigCommerce, Shopify Plus, Kentico, Optimizely and Salesforce Commerce Cloud. Over the years, SmartOSC has attracted both tech and non-tech specialists
The employer was active 1년 이상 ago
Tòa Handico, Phạm Hùng, quận Nam Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội
Logo of 誠士資訊股份有限公司.
核治理顧問、3.專業資訊委外PMO。 我們重視制度與管理,通過ISO27001驗證,與KPMG合作進行理帳和簽證,導入SalesForce CRM,於供應鏈外部資安評量獲得A級高分,並榮獲各大客戶、技術原廠認證及技術委託執行等實
The employer was active 26일 ago
Logo of 香港商昭卓實業有限公司.
皆設有據點,曾榮獲Red Herring Asia Top100,為亞太區領先的廣告技術公司之一。 Red Herring Asia Top100:曾經給予像Facebook、Twitter、Google、Yahoo、Salesforce.com和YouTube等當今的廣告行銷巨頭在初創階段的肯定,是授予給具有最高潛力的企業的最高榮譽。
The employer was active 약 1년 ago
Logo of AgilePoint Taiwan Office-威技資訊.
包含了高科技、金融、食品、教育,以及製造業等多種產業,並且利用我們的平台整合包括SAP, Oracle PeopleSoft, Office 365, Salesforce等多種企業級系統。 近來亞洲市場持續成長,且企業應用需求的技術架構亦開始改變,我們希望
The employer was active 3년 이상 ago

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