Cake Job Search

Logo of Taiwan Shin Koung Security Co.,Ltd.(SKS).
structure in Taiwan, SKS continues to advance with the times. We stay aligned with international development trends and have grown into a publicly listed company with numerous business units, all experiencing steady growth. Building upon our extensive expertise in the security industry, we integrate the resources of our affiliated companies and business units to drive digital transformation. By combining IoT and big data with surveillance, we have expanded our services from safety and security to comprehensive care and, ultimately, to
The employer was active 약 2개월 ago
Logo of OffSec (Previously known as Offensive Security).
OffSec stands proudly as the world's most reputable and trailblazing provider of hands-on cybersecurity training and certification for both red and blue teams. Our relentless commitment to excellence is reflected in our industry-standard, rigorous training programs, sought-after certified alumni, and cutting-edge methodologies. Infusing the "Try Hard" mindset into our courses, we equip students to attack like cunning hackers and defend like seasoned security professionals. Our curriculum encompasses immersive, real-world simulated lab environments featuring an
The employer was active 25일 ago
230 Park Ave, 3rd Floor, New York, NY, 10168, United States
Logo of 區塊科技 BlockChain Security.
區塊科技於 2018 年成立,團隊成員之前於資安鑑識與數位證據領域深耕。 有鑒於數位證據難以保存、易被竄改,且常因證據力不足而成為訴訟攻防的弱點,因此我們引進瑞典已成熟應用的區塊鏈底
The employer was active 3개월 ago
台灣台北市中山區松江路309號11 樓
Logo of 菱鏡股份有限公司 TRAPA Security.
菱鏡股份有限公司 TRAPA Security TRAPA Security 為 2020 年成立的資安新創公司,創辦人皆有豐富的資訊安全領域相關經歷。 曾獲國內外各種資安競賽冠軍,在世界各大研討會上發表資安研究成果,並揭許多知名軟硬
The employer was active 18일 ago
Logo of 擎雷防偽科技股份有限公司.
我們想試著用新的方法翻轉安全控管產業! 我們是品牌的醫生,當品牌面臨仿冒、安全問題時,我們透過數據給予診斷; 我們是品牌的顧問,當品牌不知道該如何處理,我們提供解決方案; 我們是品牌
The employer was active 2일 ago
Logo of AlfredCamera 阿福管家.
阿福管家 AlfredCamera 成立於 2014 年,致力於讓安心科技變得高效易用,打造全球 80 億人都能全心生活的世界。旗下 AlfredCamera App 已累積超越 7,000 萬用戶下載、獲得 92 萬用戶 4.8 顆星肯定,並於 2016 年與 2019 年獲得 Google Play 年
The employer was active 9개월 ago
Logo of 奇偶科技股份有限公司.
The employer was active 3일 ago
Logo of Mammoth Cyber 美商安佩科技股份有限公司. 。 我們提供良好的薪資,並且提供跟矽谷員工一樣的股權認購計畫,歡迎投遞履歷。 Mammoth Cyber is a cyber security start-up based in Silicon Valley USA, founded by seasoned entrepreneurs with successful track records. We are looking for talents to join our new research and development team in Taipei. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in
The employer was active 약 14시간 ago
Logo of Stellar Cyber.
Stellar Cyber is a fast growing cyber security company focused on delivering holistic cyberattack protection to organizations while significantly reducing total costs of ownership with its innovative Open XDR (eXtended Detection and Response) platform based on advanced ML and security technologies. Stellar Cyber has been recognized by Gartner as one of the leading XDR players.
The employer was active 약 5시간 ago
2590 North 1st Street suite 360, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
Logo of 如梭世代股份有限公司.
《ZUSO 沿革》 ZUSO 如梭世代為中台灣出發資安團隊,團隊成員深耕資安相關領域服務超過10年以上經驗,是為少數擁有深度資安服務及資安評估的公司。 《ZUSO 使命》 ZUSO如梭世代不僅提供企業客戶高服務
The employer was active 약 23시간 ago
23F.-10, No. 213, Chaofu Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan

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