Cake Job Search

Logo of 邁勢管理顧問股份有限公司.
accessible and affordable consultancy services that leverage the transformative potential of AI and SaaS to all. With deep-rooted values from Taiwan, we believe a small team can achieve big growth. By simplifying advanced AI and SaaS solutions, Mesh Digital Strategy delivers customized, scalable, and easy-to-implement strategies that drive growth and innovation. Our approach makes the benefits of digital transformation tangible and easy to understand, ensuring that businesses not only see but also fully grasp the positive outcomes
The employer was active 약 19시간 ago
Logo of Leafer Circular Design 綠盒循環設計.
let's photosynthesize! 🟢 we work with businesses to strategically optimize their products, processes, and services
The employer was active 14일 ago
1 LN 139, Changrong Rd Section 5, Tainan City, Taiwan
Logo of 共享生活 品牌顧問.
共享生活 品牌顧問 Lifebrander.TW Consultancy |品牌策略定位|ESG永續規劃|視覺設計整合|行銷策略規劃| 我們擁有專業且實戰經驗豐富的品牌操作經驗,扶植過的品牌市場存活率100%,顧問團隊全方位服務品牌規劃,無
The employer was active 25일 ago
Logo of TLD BY IBBA.
以數位設計為核心,為IBBA旗下子品牌。 我們有三個核心價值: 科技:以科技的背景和技術,搭建規模化且可複製的系統方針。 美學:透過東方、西方文化的融會貫通,達成精緻與品味的設計。 創新:我們的創
The employer was active 17일 ago
Logo of 好心地文創有限公司.
以人為本的設計思維,我們將設計理念融入品牌創建,並深化至產品規劃與組織方向。在台中,我們是一家專業的設計公司,透過策略方式結合 PMP專案管理 的方法,將設計思維推廣至品牌的每一個
The employer was active 약 2개월 ago
Logo of 先行智庫股份有限公司.
先行智庫是一家專注在人才升級、數位轉型、企業傳承的資訊科技管理顧問公司,提供客戶教育培訓、 顧問諮詢、數位服務、智能工具四大專業服務,針對不同產業客戶的人才與商業管理議題,透過模
The employer was active 약 2개월 ago
Logo of Sponsporship Channel.
Sponsorship Channel là một agency truyền thông mang đến giải pháp hiệu quả cho doanh nghiệp trong việc "tối ưu hoá" chiến lược tài trợ và " tăng trưởng doanh thu". Hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp tìm kiếm, phân tích, đàm phán quyền lợi tài trợ phù hợp với lĩnh vực và điều kiện của từng doanh nghiệp, giúp tối ưu hiệu quả của từng chương trình, sự kiện. Giúp doanh nghiệp nâng cao tầm ảnh hưởng thương hiệu thông qua việc
The employer was active 2개월 ago
69/2/15 Nguyễn Gia Trí, Phường 25, Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
Logo of 英富霖諮詢 InfoLink Consulting.
▉ Link the Value for You. InfoLink Consulting 為全球領先的再生能源與科技研究顧問公司,成立於2017年。我們與全球企業合作,幫助客戶在充滿挑戰的產業環境中做出最明智的抉擇,奪取競爭優勢。我們與業界密切合作,目
The employer was active 약 1개월 ago
10483 台北市中山區建國北路二段120號十五樓
Logo of Plan b Inc..
Plan b Inc. 是一間以永續發展 (Sustainable Development, SD) 為思維模式的企劃顧問公司。多年來協助世界各地不同產業的客戶,提供各類型的解決方案。旗下分為以服務企劃為主的 Plan b 與空間企劃為主的 Plan c。
The employer was active 19일 ago
台北市玉門街一號 CIT
Logo of 俥易科技股份有限公司.
Balius is an advisory firm that provides cross-border advisory services including financial, technical, and trade-related advisory services on behalf of corporate clients including inbound and outbound cross-border business transactions and activities. We specialize in bridging Taiwan and ASEAN markets with a focus on electrification, government-related projects, healthcare, and clean technology.
The employer was active 3개월 ago
台灣台北市大安區仁愛路三段28號9 樓 之 2

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