Cake Job Search

Logo of 美商格拉思緹有限公司台灣分公司.
Glasnostic is developing a groundbreaking cloud management solution using state-of-the-art technologies and Open Source components. Languages include Go, TypeScript, Python and C/C++. This is an early-stage role, so engineering judgment and design/architecture skills are just as important as the ability (and taste!) for taking on broad responsibilities and working in a fast-paced, evolving and fun startup environment. Transforming your business-critical applications into a fabric of connected services quickly leads to complex emergent
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động hơn 2 năm trước
台北市南港區市民大道 8 段 369 號 6 樓之一
Logo of 核聚股份有限公司 The Core Group.
Build your future with us! -營運據點- 台北|香港|上海|北京|新加坡 | 聖荷西(矽谷),團隊成員約ㄧ百餘人 -服務客戶- 國外上市櫃公司|約100家以上企業|10萬名以上使用者 -研發部門- 後端|C#, ASP.Net Core, Entity Framework, Web API / GraphQL 前端|Typescript, Angular9, Webpack
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động gần 2 năm trước
Logo of Proxifile.
We strive for creating customer value, not number of features. We work as professional to build product with quality attributes Technology Initiatives: Build on AWS and the latest Cloud Native technologies, such as IaaC, API Gateway, Kubernetes, ArgoCD and gitops. Be involved in key architectural decisions, such as: microservices vs. serverless; Java vs. Typescript vs. Python. Participate in open source project and evaluation on commercial SaaS. Research cutting edge technology on open data API, linked data, and scaling the kno...
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động hơn 2 năm trước
9F No. 287, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
Logo of Wipster.
業務及產品亦能與知名軟體平台等(如Slack, Adobe, Facebook)作整合,服務架構於Microsoft Azure之上,使用語言包含C#, AngularJS和TypeScript。 Wipster員工編制溫馨卻充滿著彈性,是個成長快速,並充滿機會與挑戰的團隊,期待有熱情、有相關經
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động gần 6 năm trước
Logo of
over 100 countries and have integrations with Slack, Adobe, Facebook, YouTube and more. Originally from New Zealand, we have offices worldwide with our Product & Engineering HQ in Wellington, New Zealand and our Sales & Marketing in New York and the United Kingdom. And now, we’re looking to set up a development hub in Taiwan. We have a ‘best in class’ tech stack. Our platform runs on Azure, and our app is built with C#, AngularJS and TypeScript, CSS3 and HTML5.
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động gần 6 năm trước
Logo of 夏木樂 (百岳國際).
第一線,我們現在已經採用以下技術,並逐步投入在正式生產環境中: - PHP 8.1 up - Swoole - Browser 端 ES2017up - Web Component - Ionic / Angular - TypeScript - Electron - Vue.js 3 - Web Socket 跨裝置即時互動 - IOT 硬體控制整合 - Scrum + Kanban 多專案工作流 如果您想成為獨當一面的
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động gần 2 năm trước
Logo of PT Mandiri Arti Studio.
We build a custom plugin for your next awesome website. Have an idea or need custom functionality to your website you are in the right place. Explore more about our product and services.
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động 8 tháng trước
Logo of 資旅軟體開發有限公司.
【 關於我們 】 GLSoft 聚焦於國際大型 SAP 電商平台的全端建設、AI 人工智能與 ML 機器學習的開發。 目前客戶遍布全球,主要以各大國際企業,如在南韓的 Samsung、香港的屈臣氏、美國的 Stripe 等為大宗。因此我們秉持
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động 2 ngày trước
Logo of 對空音商事有限公司.
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động 11 tháng trước
Logo of 聖勝科技有限公司.
Nhà tuyển dụng hoạt động khoảng 7 giờ trước

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