Cake 找工作

Logo of Azure Shine International Inc..
Azure Shine has been a leader in the satellite manufacturing industry for over three decades. Now, we're thrilled to apply our expertise and innovative spirit to a new venture: water purification. Our vision is to create cutting-edge water dispensers using advanced distillation technologies, and we're seeking talented individuals like you to help us turn this vision into reality. At the heart of our mission is the belief that everyone deserves access to pure, refreshing, and delicious drinking
雇主活跃于大约 1 年前
No. no 1306, Zhongshan Rd, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan, Taiwan 330
Logo of 藍窗科技有限公司.
Azure Tech We are a start-up from Europe, founded in 2018. Devoted to becoming the leading game distributor for emerging markets. In 2019, we established our headquarters in Taipei City, Taiwan, one of Asia’s technological powerhouses. Azure Tech is well known for its high-quality service requirements and rise rapidly in the Asian market. We are one of the few award-winning technical service agents in Europe. Azure Tech has introduced excellent technical support services to the Asian
雇主活跃于 6 个月前
Logo of 蔚藍有限公司.
蔚藍有限公司成立於2008年,多年來與各大手機品牌合作,致力於手機配件及品牌輔銷物製作。2015年,我們迎來了『蔚藍星球』品牌的誕生,這是我們團隊一起創作的新型態電商品牌。 『蔚藍星球』的核心價
雇主活跃于 3 个月前
Logo of 雅述市場行銷公司.
雇主活跃于 11 个月前
Logo of 雲馥數位股份有限公司.
端顧問 由擁有Microsoft Azure 官方核發25+證照的雲端架構師團隊專業服務。 團隊技術認證除了包含Azure Solutions Architect、Azure DevOps Engineer、Azure Security Engineer、 Azure AI Engineer、Azure Date Scientist…等,雲馥也是台灣第一間取得微軟最高難度技術服務能力認證 – Azure Expert
雇主活跃于超过 3 年前
Logo of AuthenTrend Technology Inc..
Microsoft Passwordless Solution 官方合作夥伴 2021. July Webinar: AuthenTrend and Microsoft Azure Active Directory Protecting the Modern Workplace AuthenTrend 於 2016 年成立,是一家提供指紋身份認證技術服務新創公司,以 FIDO 和區塊鏈為核心技術,同時擁有藍牙、NFC 和 USB 應用服務的開發能力,不僅推出
雇主活跃于大约 17 小时前
Logo of 守付數位有限公司.
充份聚焦於開發自動化、社群化的金流高端產品及平台,讓團隊成員與解決方案都極具價值與競爭力! 技術環境 .NET C# & .NET Core Azure Server-less services GitHub & Jenkins CI/CD
雇主活跃于 26 天前
台北市大同區承德路一段17號7樓之5 (台北車站-京站旁商辦大樓)
Logo of 深義分析股份有限公司.
DeepInsight 是您的數據專家 深義分析是一間專注於商業洞察的軟體服務公司,力求成為業界最專業的技術領導廠商。 公司於2017創辦至今,專注於零售業的數據分析服務,2023年成為微軟的AI策略夥伴,在Azure
雇主活跃于 3 个月前
Logo of 樂雲智能股份有限公司 Leyun Inc..
電信及網際網路營運經驗,除了國際簡訊、直播平台、海外主機租賃外,提供全球三大雲平台,GCP、AWS及Azure,並為企業客戶引進業界領導品牌-美國資安大廠Cloudflare DDOS、CDN、WAF及零信任等完整資安防禦解決方案
雇主活跃于 3 个月前
Logo of Caloudi Corporation 卡洛地股份有限公司.
and Taiwan, Caloudi yearned to elevate consumers’ cloud adaptation quality through cloud management software innovation and bridge the gap between on-premesis and cloud. Caloudi’s dedication to simplify the cloud journey shone through as an ISV that develops corporate-level SaaS solution, as a Microsoft Gold CSP Partner, and as a Microsoft Advanced Specializations (ASP) Partner with migration and consultation capabilities. Caloudi’s very own Cloud Management Platform (CMP) is currently available for both Microsoft Azure and Google GCP.
雇主活跃于大约 2 年前
11073 台北市信義區松仁路89號11樓之2

Cake 找工作
