Cake 找工作

Logo of iDA Workplace.
WE CREATE WORKPLACE THAT MATTERS TO YOUR BUSINESS Founded in 1986, iDA Workplace has been dynamically engaged to achieve the goal of creating a flexible workplace with higher productivity to transform a place for work into a space for life. Apart from providing transactional services, we perceive ourselves as client’s business partner who delivers strategic values, rendering solutions for maximizing the space utilization from aesthetical and functional points of view, fulfilling client’s needs as well as offering flexibility
雇主活跃于 11 天前
3f no, No. 2, Section 5, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105
Logo of Darfon.
雇主活跃于大约 1 个月前
Logo of Darci's Italian Kitchen 維客義式廚房.
Darci's 主張客製化平價義式料理,讓您自由搭配喜歡的麵條、主餐、蔬食和醬料,讓每位顧客都能享用到最符合個人喜好的餐點。 Darci's, just the way you like Darci's provide you customize Italian dishes. We're welcome you choosing your style, feature, veggies, and sauce whatever you like and
雇主活跃于将近 5 年前
Logo of DATA THINK 數位思維整合行銷.
成立於 2015 年 , 提供整合型行銷服務,高度的自製率以及靈活思維是我們的特色和優勢 團隊襄括各領域專業人才,可滿足客戶多角度行銷與保密需求,從創意發想、企劃執行、軟硬體發包等複合需要
雇主活跃于 7 个月前
Logo of Darplus LED Lighting.
大佳照明,專注LED應用研發、製造與銷售 專注於環保、節能及LED燈具、電源設計。 並投入研發科技與燈光結合應用,讓使用者有更好的燈光感受 大佳照明為跨足兩岸三地的公司,以台灣、深圳、上海崑山
雇主活跃于大约 6 年前
PT. DARMA INTER PHARM adalah sebuah perusahaan produsen, importir, dan distributor obat hewan, yang didirikan pada tahun 2013 di Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan oleh para professional yang berlatar belakang dokter hewan. Sejak tahun 2013, PT. DARMA INTERPHARM terus melakukan peningkatan produksi melalui perluasan pabrik dan peningkatan sarana produksi dan sarana uji. Tahun 2021 PT DARMA INTER PHARM akan memperoleh Izin Prinsip Produksi Obat Hewan dari Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan, Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia. Pengembangan selanjutnya, PT DARMA INTER
雇主活跃于 2 个月前
Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan
Logo of Greenbox Data Center.
Greenbox Data Center adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT
雇主活跃于 5 个月前
Logo of DOWN Dating & Social Apps.
📲 What is Down? Profitable US Startup with Taipei Headquarters DOWN is a social app for honest dating and interesting conversations with over 10 million users. Users can choose whether they want to Date or Hookup (in American slang, "Get Down") with other users, so their intentions are clear. Plus, we are adding fun voice features and apps to expand in social beyond dating! Be a part of the fast-growing, unabashedly honest startup behind the DOWN App! We have
雇主活跃于 11 天前
Logo of NTU Data Analytics Club 臺大資料分析與決策社.
NTU DAC - Empowering people for the dynamic data era. NTU DAC 成立於 2019 年,為臺灣大學第一個與資料分析直接相關的社團,旨在培養社員們善用資料分析的能力與思維解決商業上的問題,我們同時注重 「資料科學」 與 「商業思維」 。目的
雇主活跃于 1 天前
Logo of NCCU Data Analytics Club 政大數據分析社.
政大數據分析社致力於匯聚對數據分析充滿熱忱與決心的學習者,將 NCCU DA 打造成為一個跨屆合作與共同成長的數據分析共學平台。在這裡社員們能透過相互交流、分享數據分析知識,以及在專
雇主活跃于 20 天前

Cake 找工作
