Cake Job Search

Ukuran perusahaan: > 5000
Logo of Google.
Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since our founding in 1998, Google has grown by leaps and bounds. From offering search in a single language we now offer dozens of products and services—including various forms of advertising and web applications for all kinds of tasks—in scores of languages. And starting from two computer science students in a university dorm room, we now have thousands of employees and
Perusahaan aktif 2 bulan yang lalu
Software Engineer III, Technical InfrastructureSenior Staff Software Engineer, Google CloudSenior Software Engineer, Google CloudSoftware Engineer II, Google CloudStaff Software Engineer, Google CloudSoftware Engineer III, Infrastructure, Google CloudSoftware Engineer III, Mobile, AndroidSoftware Engineer III, Google AssistantSoftware Engineer III, Google CloudSoftware Engineer II, Infrastructure, Google CloudSoftware Engineer II, Full Stack, Google CloudSoftware Engineer III, Full Stack, Google CloudSenior Software Engineering Manager, Google CloudSoftware Engineering Manager II, Google CloudCloud Technical Solutions Engineer, SecurityTechnical Program Manager II, Google Cloud Business PlatformsSoftware Engineering Associate, gReach Eng Program for People with disabilities (Japanese)Technical Program Manager, Google Distributed Cloud, Edgeソフトウェア エンジニアリング アソシエイト、gReach エンジニアリング プログラム、障がいのある方(日本語)Marketing Manager Associate, gReach Program, People with DisabilitiesSoftware Engineer, University Graduate, 2025Silicon Engineer, University Graduate, 2025Software Engineer III, AI/ML, Google Cloudマーケティング マネージャー アソシエイト、gReach プログラム、障がいのある方Sourcing Specialist, gReach Program, People with DisabilitiesChuyên viên phụ trách chiến lược tài khoản, Phân khúc Tương tác, Nhóm Giải pháp khách hàng của Go...ソーシング スペシャリスト、gReach プログラム、障がいのある方Business Analyst, gReach Program for People with Disabilities (English, Japanese)Digital Strategist, Google Customer Solutions, gReach Program for People with DisabilitiesSecurity Engineer, Detection
73F.-1, No. 7, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11049, Taiwan
Logo of TSMC 台積電.
Established in 1987, TSMC is the world's first dedicated semiconductor foundry. As the founder and a leader of the Dedicated IC Foundry segment, TSMC has built its reputation by offering advanced and "More-than-Moore"​ wafer production processes and unparalleled manufacturing efficiency. From its inception, TSMC has consistently offered the foundry segment's leading technologies and TSMC COMPATIBLE® design services. TSMC has consistently experienced strong growth by building solid partnerships with its customers, large and small. IC suppliers
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 21 jam yang lalu
Logo of Cathay United Bank 國泰世華商業銀行.
國泰世華銀行於1975年創立,為國泰金控成員之一,目前在臺灣共有 165 家分行。在海外佈局方面,目前於中國、越南、柬埔寨、香港、新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、寮國、緬甸、泰國及印尼,共計有67個據點,海內外合
Perusahaan aktif 1 hari yang lalu
【產品板塊】信用卡數位產品/平台規劃PM【2024年末經驗徵才】商業分析師_(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)【2024年末經驗徵才】AI資料科學分析師_(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)【2024年末經驗徵才】系統開發工程師(Java/C#)__(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)【2024年末經驗徵才】專案管理師(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)【2024年末經驗徵才】系統分析師_(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)【2024年末經驗徵才】業務分析師_(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)【2024年末經驗徵才】APP工程師(iOS & Android)_(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)【2024年末經驗徵才】雲原生開發工程師 CND_(Cake 2024 職涯博覽會專屬職缺)【產品板塊】信用卡商業分析師【2024年末經驗徵才】理財業務人員【2024年末經驗徵才】行動財富顧問【2024年末經驗徵才】OBU業務支援法金業務(ARM/RM)【2024年末經驗徵才】法金產品PM(貿易融資/現金管理)【2024年末經驗徵才】法金產品策略企劃專業人員【2024年末經驗徵才】客戶經營策略企劃專業人員【2024年末經驗徵才】海外營運作業整合規劃人員【2024年末經驗徵才】信用卡專案企劃人員【2024年末經驗徵才】消金授信國內外政策專業人員【2024年末經驗徵才】市場風險管理專業人員【2024年末經驗徵才】內控風險管理專業人員【2024年末經驗徵才】財富管理專業人員【2024年末經驗徵才】信託專業人員【2024年末經驗徵才】海外管理專業人員【2024年末經驗徵才】資深系統分析師_(核心轉型人才招募計畫)【2024年末經驗徵才】專案管理師_(核心轉型人才招募計畫)【2024年末經驗徵才】資深商業規劃人員 Business Planning Staff(Senior)(外派柬埔寨)【2024年末經驗徵才】商業分析師Business Analyst(外派柬埔寨/越南)【2025校園徵才】儲備幹部計劃:亞洲銀行家(CMA)【2025校園徵才】菁英人才計劃:金融市場專家(CTA)
Logo of AUO Corporation 友達光電股份有限公司.
友達光電 我們是一家以技術為動力、充滿熱忱,並且致力將創新推至極致的公司 友達從顯示技術與解決方案的領導者出發,邁向多元場域應用,提供深獲夥伴信賴的專業知識與各領域具有先進
Perusahaan aktif 11 hari yang lalu
新竹市力行二路1號 (新竹科學園區)
Logo of 矽品精密工業股份有限公司 SPIL.
Established in May 1984, Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd. has become one of the leading providers of comprehensive semiconductor assembly and test services. SPIL posted annual sales of NT$113.2 billion in 2023 and currently employs around 25,000 people worldwide. SPIL is dedicated to meeting all customer's integrated circuit packaging and testing requirements. Our turnkey solutions range from bumping, wafer sort, assembly, final test, to shipment. We continue to be a professional supplier that creates high added value
Perusahaan aktif 1 hari yang lalu
Logo of 華泰電子股份有限公司 Orient Semiconductor Electronics.
Focused on memory products, Orient Semiconductor Electronics (OSE) is Taiwan’s first fully Taiwanese-owned IC packaging foundry. Ranked in the top 10 IC testing and packaging firms, it offers IC packaging, testing, and EMS services. 華泰電子專注致力記憶體產品,為台灣第一家完全台資的IC封裝代工廠,深獲肯定,並列全台IC封測排名前
Perusahaan aktif 1 hari yang lalu
Logo of Dell Technologies.
戴爾科技集團的創新引擎之一:戴爾台灣研發中心 Dell Technologies 戴爾台灣深厚的科技研發量能,讓台灣研發中心於2002年成立以來,不斷擴充規模,從草創的數十人到目前超過2,000人的團隊,成為戴爾全球
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 6 jam yang lalu
Logo of Telus Digital.
We partner with the world's most innovative companies to develop and improve their AI powered products. Whether it’s improving the relevance of search engines or training digital assistants to understand more languages and dialects, our teams help break machine-learning barriers and build human-learning bridges around the world. 我們與世界上最創新的公司合作,以開發和改進他們的人工智能產品
Perusahaan aktif 8 hari yang lalu
美國內華達州2251 S. Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89102, United States
Logo of Amazon Web Services Taiwan (AWS)_台灣亞馬遜網路服務有限公司.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 成立於 2006 年,是全球最全面和廣泛採納的雲端平台,透過資料中心提供超過 200 項功能完整的服務,包含運算、儲存、資料庫、分析、應用與部署等。全球 190 個國家的客戶 —包括成長最快的新創公
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 22 jam yang lalu
Logo of Merck Group.
【關於默克】 總部位於德國達姆施塔特的默克集團,成立於1668年,至今超過355年歷史;在全球,我們有142不同國籍、超過6萬名員工分布於 66 個國家;2022 年,整年度財務表現達 222 億歐元。 科學是我們的核
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 6 jam yang lalu
271262 Senior Research Chemist 資深化學研究員 (有配方開發經驗優先)270744 Warehouse Team Leader 倉儲主管277786 Technician 技術員/生產作業員(須配合8-12小時輪班/可年後上班) (歡迎化學/化學工程系新鮮人)280150 Production Engineer 生產工程師 (特用氣體/需輪班及帶人)280132 技術員 (特用氣體/12小時輪班)280139 Warehouse Specialist 倉庫專員 (特用氣體)280100 Warehouse Technician 倉庫技術員 (常日班/特用氣體)281863 Warehouse Specialist 倉庫專員 (倉庫建置/SAP經驗優先)技術員 (鋼瓶經驗優先)277921 Equipment Engineer, Thin Film 設備工程師278199 Maintenance Planner282324 EHS Engineer 環安衛工程師 (化工廠/有製程安全經驗優先)282039 DCC Engineer 文管中心工程師281763 Warehouse Team Leader (化工廠經驗優先)282153 Warehouse Team Leader倉儲組長280367 QC Analyst 品管分析師 (ICP-MS GC-MS經驗優先/歡迎新鮮人)280859 I&C Engineer282043 E&I Team Leader 儀電工程主管282046 E&I Engineer 儀電工程師282052 E&I Planner 儀電工程規劃師282054 Control Engineer 自動控制工程師282341 Utility Engineer 廠務工程師 (化工廠經驗優先)282342 Waste Mgmt Engineer (化工廠經驗優先)282707 Process Engineer 製程工程師282167 Maintenance Technician282172 Material Planner282271 Production Planner (SAP經驗優先)278526 Assistant Lab Analyst, QC 實驗室化學分析282284 Quality Control Engineer 品管工程師282286 QC Assist. Analyst 實驗室化學分析 ((ICP-MS GC-MS經驗優先/歡迎新鮮人)
6f, No. 89, Section 2nd, Tiding Boulevard, 內湖區台北市 Taiwan

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