Cake Job Search

Logo of CloudMile 萬里雲.
company in Asia, focuses on digital transformation for its corporate clients and driving growth. Leveraging machine learning and big data analysis, CloudMile assists over 400 clients corporates with business forecasts and industrial upgrades. CloudMile has earned 120+ accreditations, with 60+ Google Cloud professional certifications. Being the Premier Partner of Google Cloud, CloudMile is qualified for Machine Learning Specialization, Data Analytics Specialization, Cloud Migration Specialization and Infrastructure Specialization in North Asia. In 2020, CloudMile becomes Taiwan’s first Google Cloud Managed
The employer was active about 1 month ago
Logo of iKala 愛卡拉互動媒體股份有限公司.
加速、及創造新商業模式的目標。iKala 提供以 AI 驅動的數位轉型及數據行銷整體解決方案,旗下有 iKala Cloud 及 iKala MarTech 等雲端及新零售服務與產品,服務超過 1,000 家企業及 50,000 家亞太品牌廣告用戶,其中包
The employer was active 21 days ago
Logo of 馬來西亞商思想科技有限公司台灣分公司.
公司簡介 思想科技 (Master Concept) 代理 Google Cloud 全系列產品,包括:Google Maps Platform(GMP)、Google Cloud Platform(GCP)、G Suite(企業版Gmail)、Google Cloud Search (GCS)。連續多年獲頒「Google 日本暨亞太區白金級(Premier)合作夥伴」。自 2010 年起,思想科技協助英業達集團、中華工程、中
The employer was active about 2 months ago
7F., No.45, Sec. 1, Minquan E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist.,
Logo of 內容電力股份有限公司.
期貨程式交易.... 大師心法課程: 前美林董事教你投資理財 雲端與人工智慧課程: 打造聊天機器人, GCP(Google Cloud Platform) 來這邊工作可以讓你: 1. 與業界人士接觸, 掌握別人不知道的投資策略 2. 與專家人士接觸
The employer was active almost 3 years ago
100 台北市中正區北平東路30-2號4F
Logo of Cloud Ace 雲一有限公司.
的視野、有如Google自由的環境,並能為台灣企業提供在地化的服務。 專業認證部分,我們擁有超過300項Google認證,連續3年榮獲 Google Cloud Partners Award , 並在2017年取得Google Cloud的Premier Partner認證。 我們提供Google Cloud Platform(GCP)的導入、設計、維
The employer was active 10 months ago
Logo of 馬來西亞商思想科技有限公司台灣分公司.
成立於 2003 年,思想科技 Master Concept 致力於提供科技服務與雲端顧問諮詢,為世界級的領導品牌改善客戶體驗。 擁有超過 120 位夥伴在數位轉型過程中為亞太地區上千間的企業客戶服務,我們團隊為橫跨
The employer was active about 1 year ago
Logo of 馬來西亞商思想科技有限公司台灣分公司.
辦公到OKR管理,思想科技助企業極大化生產力與協同力 思想科技 Master Concept 榮獲 2019 Google Cloud 年度最佳專業合作夥伴獎-工作模式轉型 遠距辦公成轉型動力 思想科技的
The employer was active over 2 years ago
Logo of 台灣五什五數據信息技術有限公司.
隸屬於世界第一家品牌科技集團 You & Mr Jones, 55 是一家全力協助品牌領航數位世界的新型數據諮詢公司。 我們幫助品牌充分利用數據與技術,增強透明度,提升團隊數據 實力,推動數位行銷創新,全力
The employer was active over 1 year ago
Logo of Canonical.
Canonical is a growing, international software company that works with the open-source community to deliver Ubuntu -- the world’s #1 cloud operating system. Our mission is to realize the potential of free software in the lives of individuals and organisations. Our services are helping businesses worldwide to reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance security with Ubuntu.
The employer was active 2 months ago
Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, 民生東路三段 100號 12樓
Logo of Caloudi Corporation 卡洛地股份有限公司.
and Taiwan, Caloudi yearned to elevate consumers’ cloud adaptation quality through cloud management software innovation and bridge the gap between on-premesis and cloud. Caloudi’s dedication to simplify the cloud journey shone through as an ISV that develops corporate-level SaaS solution, as a Microsoft Gold CSP Partner, and as a Microsoft Advanced Specializations (ASP) Partner with migration and consultation capabilities. Caloudi’s very own Cloud Management Platform (CMP) is currently available for both Microsoft Azure and Google GCP.
The employer was active about 2 years ago
11073 台北市信義區松仁路89號11樓之2

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