Cake Job Search

Logo of 我愛數位科技股份有限公司.
stand for Swiss quality for software projects of any kind! We are passionate about automating software processes. Automated processes decrease error rates and down times, and allow process owners to concentrate on the goals they want to achieve, instead of QA. We like to set such systems up, and learn from each case we are given the chance to execute. ​ We like software to work constantly, like a Swiss clock. In order to optimize the processes, we like to immerse
The employer was active 10 months ago
Logo of 龍晟吉企業有限公司.
協的堅持。 NC is a leading medical company of emergency rescue, airway management, respiratory and anesthesia medical disposables. We have been supplying medical devices to more than 36 countries, including Vietnam, Thailand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, The United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Algeria, Iran, Egypt, Brazil, Mexico, etc.. Worldwide everyday more than 200 emergency rooms, ICU(Intensive Care Unit), respiratory care wards and operating rooms are using NC’s products, assisting doctors and paramedics to increase patients’ survival rates. “DEVOTED TO
The employer was active about 4 years ago
Logo of 龍晟吉企業有限公司.
協的堅持。 NC is a leading medical company of emergency rescue, airway management, respiratory and anesthesia medical disposables. We have been supplying medical devices to more than 36 countries, including Vietnam, Thailand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, The United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Algeria, Iran, Egypt, Brazil, Mexico, etc.. Worldwide everyday more than 200 emergency rooms, ICU(Intensive Care Unit), respiratory care wards and operating rooms are using NC’s products, assisting doctors and paramedics to increase patients’ survival rates. “DEVOTED TO
The employer was active about 3 years ago
Logo of TREVI 特雷維科技.
何決定時,以他們的專業經驗作為後盾,優化產品的質量並提升其效能。 在公司中我們有 PM、PJM、Designer、RD、QA、HR等明確的職位,透過正確的分工,盡可能每個Feature中落實相對應的Task,如:產出 Story 文件、UI/UX Design、Engineering Design
The employer was active 1 day ago
Logo of 亞洲指標數位行銷顧問股份有限公司.
台淘寶網資料,一般社交網站如Facebook、youtube、instagram、微博、微信等社交平台資料:各大論壇、部落格、專家產業專欄、QA問答網站、新聞頻道,特殊網站如PTT批踢踢與 Dcard等,超過9萬個以上頻道來源。 4. 深度資料分析洞
The employer was active 5 months ago
Logo of gogoout.
「Fast, Smart, and Simple.」 gogoout致力於創造便利的生活環境,拉近人與人的距離。 透過創建跨國租車平台,提供快速、智慧、簡單上手的租車服務,以貼近使用需求的科技力,支援交通移動服務的最後一哩路。 使用 gogoout,你
The employer was active about 12 hours ago
Logo of raingo 樂眾科技股份有限公司.
The employer was active 3 months ago
Logo of Zealogics IT Solutions 美商邏輯技術有限公司.
Zealogics LLC provides a broad range of IT consulting, systems implementation and application outsourcing services through an optimized global delivery model. Zealogics also built deep knowledge of traditional product engineering across mechanical, electronics and software platforms, to enable clients to navigate their digital transformation. Zealogics value engineering techniques, automation frameworks, and reference models are refined through engagements with Fortune 500 enterprises and OEMs. We combine customer-centric product strategies with a collaborative approach to execution. It helps harmonize processes, identify
The employer was active 9 months ago
Logo of 擎亞電子股份有限公司.
1997年10月1日, 由 李熙俊先生帶領由三星電子台灣分公司設計中心、友尚科技股份有限公司、至上科技股份有限公司和聖桑股份有限公司之ASIC部門相關之行銷/工程人員,集資新台幣八千萬元成
The employer was active 12 months ago
台灣台北市南港區園區街3之2號13 樓
Logo of 肯度科技有限公司 Kandou Bus Taiwan Inc..
||關於 Kandou 肯度科技有限公司|| ✦ 官網: ✦ LinkedIn: ✦ YouTube: ✦ 最新徵才訊息請洽 : 我們是一家專精於USB-C 及 PCIe® retimer的IC設計公司,2011年創立, 總部位於瑞士
The employer was active 19 days ago
114064 台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段297號2樓

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